Jeffrey Wogenstahl ohio

Jeffrey Wogenstahl Murders Amber Garrett In Ohio

Jeffrey Wogenstahl was sentenced to death by the State of Ohio for the murder of Amber Garrett According to court documents Jeffrey Wogenstahl was dating ten year old Amber Garrett mother when he would kidnap the child in the middle of night and murder her Jeffrey Wogenstahl would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death…

robert williams ohio

Robert Williams Murders Velma McDowell In Ohio

Robert Williams was sentenced to death by the State of Ohio for the murder of Velma McDowell According to court documents Robert Williams would break into the home of eighty eight year old Velma McDowell. The woman would be sexually assaulted and murdered Robert Williams would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death Robert Williams…

clifford williams ohio

Clifford Williams Murders Wayman Hamilton In Ohio

Clifford Williams was sentenced to death by the State of Ohio for the murder of Wayman Hamilton According to court documents Clifford Williams would rob taxi cab driver Wayman Hamilton who would be fatally shot during the robbery. Just days later Williams robbed and shot another man who thankfully survived Clifford Williams would be arrested,…

christopher whitaker ohio

Christopher Whitaker Murders Alianna DeFreeze

Christopher Whitaker was sentenced to death by the State of Ohio for the murder of Alianna DeFreeze According to court documents Christopher Whitaker would grab Alianna DeFreeze as she stepped off of a bus. The fourteen year old girl was brought to a secluded location where she was sexually assaulted and murdered Christopher Whitaker would…

james were ohio

James Were Ohio Prison Murder

James Were was sentenced to death by the State of Ohio for a prison murder According to court documents during the Lucasville Prison Riots James Were would participate in the murder of prison officer Robert Vallandingham James Were would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death James Were Photos James Were Now NumberA173245DOB01/20/1957GenderMaleRaceBlackAdmission Date04/15/1983InstitutionOhio State…