Dawud Spaulding

Dawud Spaulding Murders 2 In Ohio

Dawud Spaulding was sentenced to death by the State of Ohio for a double murder According to court documents Dawud Spaulding would murder his ex girlfriend and another man: Ernest “Ernie” Thomas and Erica Singleton Dawud Spaulding also participated in a shooting that left a victim paralyzed Dawud Spaulding would be arrested, convicted and sentenced…

George Skatzes ohio

George Skatzes Ohio Prison Murders

George Skatzes was sentenced to death by the State of Ohio for three prison murders According to court documents during the Lucasville Riots George Skatzes would murder a prison guard and two inmates George Skatzes would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death George Skatzes Photos George Skatzes Now NumberA173501DOB03/29/1946GenderMaleRaceWhiteAdmission Date05/02/1983InstitutionChillicothe Correctional InstitutionStatusINCARCERATED George Skatzes…