Paris Bennett Murders 4 Year Old Sister

Paris Bennett was thirteen years old when he would murder his four year old sister in Texas. Paris Bennett and his four year old sister were left with a babysitter by their mother. Sometime during the night Paris would convince the babysitter that his mother was on her way home and that she could leave.

As soon as the babysitter would leave Paris Bennett would bring his little sister to the basement where he would stab her repeatedly causing her death. When Paris was done stabbing his sister over a dozen times he would call 911 and tell the operator what he had done.

Paris Bennett would be arrested and convicted of murder. Due to the fact that he was just thirteen years old at the time of the murder Paris Bennett would receive a forty year sentence meaning he will most likely be free one day.

Years later during a television interview Paris Bennett would admit that the reason he killed his four year old sister was that he wanted to punish his mother by taking both of her kids away.

Paris Bennett Photos

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Paris Bennett Now

SID Number:    07898441

TDCJ Number:    01804782


Race:    W

Gender:    M

Age:    30

Maximum Sentence Date:    2047-02-04       

Current Facility:    FERGUSON

Projected Release Date:    2047-02-04

Parole Eligibility Date:    2027-02-05

Inmate Visitation Eligible:    YES

Face to face with Paris Bennett: The boy who murdered his sister just to make his mother suffer

Twelve years ago a Texas mother learned her 4-year-old daughter Ella had been brutally murdered.

The person who murdered Charity Lee’s child wasn’t a serial killer or known criminal.

It was her 13-year-old son, Paris Bennett.

Ella was stabbed 17 times and strangled by her sibling while she slept in her bed. Paris had convinced their babysitter to go home and later phoned 911 to confess to the murder.

He confessed he did it to get back at his mother.

ITV presenter Piers Morgan interviewed the now 25-year-old Bennett in a jail in Texas where he is serving 40 years behind bars.

Having spent almost half his life in prison, he will soon be eligible for parole.

With an IQ of 141, Bennett qualifies as a genius. Less than a quarter of one per cent of the world’s population has that level of intelligence.

As Morgan wrote in his story for Daily Mail, Bennett is also a psychopath, “someone who has been formally diagnosed as a psychopath by medical experts”.

Echoing famous scenes from The Silence of the Lambs, Morgan met Bennett in a secure room behind reinforced glass with heavily armed guards standing by. He was told he could not speak to the killer face to face.

“Why not?” Morgan asked.

“He’s too dangerous,” came the reply.

Morgan wrote: “True psychopaths have a chronic mental disorder that manifests itself in a number of personality traits including amoral or antisocial behaviour, extreme egocentricity, a lack of ability to love or establish meaningful relationships, and no sense of guilt, shame or embarrassment.

“Psychopaths can also be quite terrifyingly violent. Paris Bennett ticks every box.”

The facts of the case are chilling.

When he was 13, Bennett says he decided to punish his mother Charity for perceived wrongs. He planned to kill her. But instead decided to kill his 4-year-old sister Ella, effectively doubling the impact – one child dead, the other in prison.

While mother Charity was at work in a local bar, Bennett put his plan into action. He told the baby sitter to leave early, then calmly walked into his sister’s bedroom and began ferociously attacking her.

Bennett then called a friend on the phone and talked for six minutes before calling the police, who came and arrested him.

Lee told Morgan: “If Paris had killed me as he originally intended, I’d have only suffered for a brief few moments.

“But by killing Ella instead, he knew he was sentencing me to a lifetime of suffering.”

Incredibly, Lee says she has forgiven her son and visits him regularly. But she fears that if he is granted parole, he will torment her all over again.

When asked about her son, Lee told Morgan: “He’s human. He’ll be nice, personable, polite. Paris is very charming when he wants to be. I mean, he’s a psychopath.”

As Bennett walked into the secure room he announced, “Hello everyone”.

“Since this is going to be done for ITV, would you like me to speak in the Queen’s English?” he asked Morgan.

“Why are you doing this interview?” Morgan asked Bennett. “To show people that I am not a monster or villain,” he replied.

“Can you rationalise or explain what you did to your sister?” Morgan asked.

“I can’t easily explain everything. I think that’s been one of the biggest challenges for other people through the years, because no one likes to be confused. No one likes to be bewildered. We like… easy answers.”

Morgan asked why he had so much fury.

“For many years, there was just this hot, flaming ball of wrath in the pit of my stomach and it was directed at my mother,” Bennett said.

“And one of the reasons why I chose to kill my sister and not someone else is because I knew that by doing that I could hurt my mother in the worst possible way, because I had always known, as a child, that the most devastating thing to my mother would be the loss of one of her children, and I found a way to take away both her children in one fell swoop.

“Part of me loved my sister and would have turned the world upside down for her.” But there was a part “wounded, twisted, dark… the part that had been in pain for so long”.

“Misery loves company,” he said.

“I love her [Ella] with every fibre of my being.

When asked by Morgan if he knew what love is, Bennett replied: “I don’t know how to answer that question. It’s not simple. I can’t just point at something and say, ‘OK, that’s love, I recognise it and feel that’.”

Bennett was then asked if he would kill again.

“The only person I’m dangerous to is myself because the very moment I feel the chains slipping and the bars bending, the very moment I detect that dark part of myself coming back out again, I would remove myself from the equation.

“Every single person walking around has it in him or her to commit murder. Margaret Atwood once wrote that if we were all on trial for our thoughts, we would all be hanged.


Jacob Matt Morgan Murders 14 Month Old Brother

Jacob Matt Morgan was seventeen years old when he set a fire in his home that would kill his fourteen month old brother.

Jacob Matt Morgan was left in charge of his fourteen month old brother Joshua Hill. Jacob would start two fires in the home that would quickly spread and the seventeen year old would head outside ignoring his half brother. Joshua Hill would perish in the fire.

When questioned by police Jacob Matt Morgan would give a number of different stories before admitting to starting the fatal fire and it was revealed that he had previously set a fire inside of the home.

Jacob Matt Morgan, who is on the Autistic spectrum, would plead guilty to involuntary manslaughter and would be sentenced to fifteen years in State prison

Jacob Matt Morgan would be released on parole in 2022.

Jacob Matt Morgan Photos

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Jacob Matt Morgan FAQ

Where Is Jacob Matt Morgan Now

Jacob Matt Morgan was released from prison in 2022

Jacob Matt Morgan Gets 15 Years For Baby Brother’s Death

A York County teen accused in the death of his 14-month-old half brother pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter and unlawful conduct of a child in court Tuesday.

Jacob Matthew Morgan, 17, will spend 15 years in the Department of Corrections.

Morgan, known to friends as Matt, was arrested last year after a fire at his Rock Hill mobile home killed his baby half-brother, Joshua Hill, in March.

Half-brother charged with murder, arson in baby’s death

Morgan pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter instead of murder, and an unlawful conduct towards a child charge, rather than homicide by child abuse.

The teenager also entered an Alford plea, maintaining his innocence, for third-degree arson rather than first-degree arson.

Last year, prosecutors said Morgan gave several conflicting statements before eventually admitting to starting the fire. Investigators testified fire patterns showed two fires were set and said Morgan’s stories didn’t add up.

“It my estimation both fires were set at or near potential heat sources – both of them near heaters – to disguise the fire as being accidental,” said SLED investigator William Keller.

In court Tuesday, an emotional Morgan told the judge that he loved his brother and wished he could have saved him.

“To kill him would be killing a piece of myself,” Morgan said.

Prosecutors told the judge the fire had two points of origin the bedroom where Hill was asleep and the living room. Morgan was accused of lighting tea candles before the trailer home went up in flames.

Deputy solicitor Willy Thompson said the teen had a fascination with fire, and that evidence pointed to the flames being intentionally set.

“Whether he certainly intended to kill his brother or not, it may be up for some debate,” Thompson said, “But he obviously set the fire that ultimately killed his brother.”

Prosecutors said Morgan had a cell phone, but never used it to call for help.

Despite the evidence against the older brother, loved ones continue to stand behind him.

“I will never get over losing my little boy,” said Myke Hill, father of Joshua and step-father to Morgan. “I will never get over my other son being accused of the loss of our little boy.”

A first-degree arson charge carries a mandatory minimum sentence of 30 years in jail. After consulting with his public defender, Morgan opted to enter the Alford plea, admitting the state had enough evidence to convict him.

“We have always believed in his innocence, because we know our son. We know the evidence against him looks horrible,” said Morgan’s mother Julie in court.

Prosecutors said they’re pleased with the deal, and the amount of time Morgan will serve behind bars.

Deputy solicitor Thompson said it was challenging because the victim’s family and suspect’s family were one and the same, and did not want prosecution

“The friends and neighbors of the family, they were very adamant in us not prosecuting him at all. But that was not an option, because this obviously was a crime,” Thompson said.

Morgan’s family feels like they’re losing another son.

“We’re as set as we can be… the pain will never go away, but hopefully it will lessen in time,” Myke Hill said.

Morgan will be on five years of probation after his release, but could be sent back to jail for 15 years if he violates any of the terms.

Jacob Matt Morgan Videos

Jacob Matt Morgan Video Page


Lacy Aaron Schmidt Murders 14 Year Old Girl

Lacy Aaron Schmidt was fourteen years old when he would murder fourteen year old Alana Calahan in 2011.

According to court documents Lacy Aaron Schmidt would break into the Calahan home the day before the murder. He would take a dismantled firearm out of a safe inside of the home. Lacy Aaron Schmidt would take the gun back home and put it back together.

The next day Lacy Aaron Schmidt would go back over to the Calahan home and would walk up to Alana Calahan, whose back was turned and fatally shot the teenage girl in the back of the head.

Lacy Aaron Schmidt would soon be arrested and would be charged and convicted of malice murder, felony murder while in the commission of aggravated assault, possession of a firearm during the commission of the crime, and theft by taking a handgun.

Even though Lacy Aaron Schmidt was only fourteen years old at the time of the murder he would be sentenced to life in prison without parole.

Lacy Aaron Schmidt Video Page

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Lacy Aaron Schmidt FAQ

Where Is Lacy Aaron Schmidt Now

Lacy Aaron Schmidt is currently incarcerated at Hays State Prison in Georgia

When Is Lacy Aaron Schmidt Release Date

Lacy Aaron Schmidt is serving life without parole

Lacy Aaron Schmidt Court Case


The evidence construed in favor of the verdicts showed the following. On January 31, 2011, fourteen-year-old Alana Calahan was fatally shot while in her home in Columbia County. Lacy Aaron Schmidt, who was then also fourteen years old, lived nearby on the same street and he and Alana were friends. The two were “boyfriend and girlfriend” for a brief time until Alana’s youth pastor advised her that she was too young for such a relationship. Nonetheless, Schmidt spent a lot of time with Alana and her family. About a week before Alana’s murder, Schmidt entered the Calahan house when no one in the family was home; Alana was the first to arrive home and noticed that the door to the house was unlocked. Alana’s mother asked Schmidt how he got into the house, and Schmidt responded that the door had been left unlocked. The mother did not believe him and angrily told him that he could not come to the house unless she or her husband was there. Schmidt was also forbidden to come over before 5:00 p. m. on week days. The family kept a shotgun and a handgun in the parents’ master bedroom, and the children were not allowed to enter the bedroom or touch the guns.

On the day of the murder, as Alana’s sister was waiting in the family pickup truck to transport Alana from the school bus drop off location to their house, Schmidt appeared and told the sister that he was not allowed to come over for the next two weeks. After the school bus driver dropped off Alana, the driver saw Schmidt walking nearby; Schmidt had his hands in his pockets and the hood from his jacket was pulled over his head. Immediately after the drop off, Alana was picked up by her sister and taken home. About twenty or thirty minutes later, the sister left the house to pick up their brother from the bus stop. At that time, Alana was at a computer, which was located beside the house’s sliding back door. During the approximately ten minutes the sister was gone, Schmidt entered the house, shot Alana in the back of the neck, and dragged her to the woods outside the house. Alana died from the gunshot wound to her neck.

The sister returned and saw Schmidt’s shoes inside the house, along with Alana’s shoes; it was common practice for family and friends to take their shoes off upon entering the house. The sister observed that the chair that Alana had been sitting in was knocked over and there was blood, later identified as Alana’s, all over the carpet. Schmidt came into the house through the front door and told the sister that someone had taken Alana and that he did not know what to do. Schmidt then went outside with Alana’s sister and brother, ostensibly to help in the search for Alana. Schmidt quickly said he spotted Alana, pointed in a certain direction, and led the siblings to Alana’s body. The sister did not believe that Schmidt could have seen the body from his initial vantage point. Schmidt approached Alana’s body, and tried to pull a stick out of her hair; he then “started freaking out saying, oh, my [G]od, now my prints are on her and they’re going to think I killed her.” Schmidt did not cry upon seeing the body. The sister unsuccessfully attempted to revive Alana, and called police.

The police arrived to find Alana’s sister and brother crying and screaming, but Schmidt displayed absolutely no emotion; indeed, Schmidt acted as if “there was [not] a care in the world.” During police interviews, Schmidt exhibited conduct which raised suspicion, including attempts to cry which appeared to be disingenuous. After telling the police at least five different stories about what transpired, Schmidt admitted to having taken Alana’s father’s handgun from the master bedroom, and allegedly accidentally shooting Alana with it as he stood behind her attempting to unload it. However, it was later determined that in the position of the handgun mechanism as described by Schmidt, 13 pounds of pressure would have to be applied to the trigger in order to fire the handgun. Investigators later searched Schmidt’s residence and found a gun box, ammunition, and an owner’s manual for the murder weapon. The police determined that it was not possible for Schmidt to have brought the gun box to his home during the brief interval in which Alana was shot, and that he would have had to obtain it beforehand. In Schmidt’s book bag, stashed in his bedroom closet, police found other items belonging to the Calahan family, including an iPod, RCA MP3 player, and a digital camera. Alana’s house keys were thought to be lost prior to her death, but were found several weeks later under mats on the floor of the Calahan family’s pickup, to which Schmidt had access.

Lacy Aaron Schmidt News

The Georgia Supreme Court has upheld the murder conviction and life prison sentence for a 14-year-old boy who shot and killed a 14-year-old girl in the east Georgia town of Harlem.

Authorities said the boy, Lacy Aaron Schmidt, went to his friend Alana Calahan’s house and shot her in the back of the neck in January 2011. They say he then dragged her into nearby woods, where she died from the gunshot wound, and later tried to make it appear that someone had abducted her.

Schmidt appealed his conviction to the Georgia Supreme Court, saying a judge and his lawyer had made legal mistakes, and that his sentence amounted to cruel and unusual punishment.

The court said Monday that his arguments were rejected, and his conviction and sentence were upheld.

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