Aaron Fuller Executed For Loretta Stephens Murder

Aaron Fuller would be executed by the State of Texas for the murder of Loretta Stephens

According to court documents Aaron Fuller would break into the home of 68 year old Loretta Stephens after seeing the woman sleeping in her recliner. Fuller would beat the woman before sexually assaulting her and then killing her. Fuller would bring her body to a remote location where he would dump her

Aaron Lee Fuller would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death

Aaron Fuller would be executed by lethal injection on November 6 1997

Aaron Fuller Photos

aaron fuller texas

Aaron Fuller Case

A twice-convicted burglar acknowledged beating, raping and suffocating an elderly woman during a robbery, then laughed before he was executed by injection.

Aaron Lee Fuller, 30, was nearly exuberant in his prayers Thursday evening while being strapped to the death chamber gurney, at one point laughing before he slipped into unconsciousness.”I have no bitterness toward the system,” he said. “I want the victim’s family to know I’m guilty of what I’m convicted. I pray they will forgive me, not for my sake but for the sake of their spirits. I have such a peace. I’m going home.”

Six minutes later, a smile still on his face, he was pronounced dead. He became the 34th inmate to be put to death in Texas this year, an ongoing record.


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