Cheyenne Hill

Cheyenne Hill Murders Toddler In Indiana

Cheyenne Hill
Cheyenne Hill

Cheyenne Hill is a killer from Indiana who would be convicted of the murder of her nineteen month old daughter

According to court documents Cheyenne Hill would bring her nineteen month old daughter to the hospital and it was evident the toddler had suffered severely. Due to the poor condition of the child she would be flown to another hospital for more advance care however the doctors were unable to save the child. The little girl injuries included brain bleed, broken collarbone, a “swollen and deformed head,” and other bruising.

When Cheyenne Hill was questioned by police she would make up a story that would quickly fall apart. Hill would refer to her daughter as the next Jeffrey Dahmer

Cheyenne Hill would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to thirty years in prison

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Cheyenne Hill Case

UPDATE (2/6/2024): A jury found Cheyenne Hill guilty of neglect of a dependent resulting in death, a Level 1 felony. She will be sentenced on Feb. 26.

UPDATE (4/24/2024): Cheyenne Hill was sentenced to 30 years in prison.

Court records reveal that several witnesses expressed concern about the swelling and bruising they witnessed on Cheyenne Hill’s 18-month-old daughter’s face and head last November.

One witness even told investigators that after he pointed out how the child might need medical care, Hill snapped back at him by saying, “Under no circumstances are you to call an ambulance or take her in (to the hospital) yourself. I will make the decisions. That is my child.”

But Hill didn’t take the child to a hospital. In fact, the child wasn’t taken to a hospital until eight days later. At IU Health Bedford, court documents detail that the young child was diagnosed with a brain bleed, a broken collar bone and head and facial bruising.

The young girl was flown to Riley Children’s Hospital in Indianapolis. Three days later, on Nov. 26, 2022, the 18-month-old girl was pronounced dead.

Cheyenne Hill, 33, of Bedford was eventually arrested on Tuesday, Sept. 26. She is charged with neglect of a dependent resulting in death, a Level 1 felony.

According to court documents, a post-mortem examination of Hill’s young daughter revealed that not only was the child malnourished, but that her cause of death was blunt force trauma to the head with the doctor determining the child’s manner of death as homicide.

Witness testimony, along with interviews investigators conducted with Hill, revealed the mother had a disturbing view of her 18-month-old daughter.

Hill reportedly told an Indiana Donor Network Family Service representative on Nov. 25, 2022, that she believed her child was “not a nice kid.” Hill went on to say that her daughter was going to be the next Jeffrey Dahmer and that “something wasn’t right with her.”

Hill’s neighbor, who was interviewed by detectives following the child’s death, told investigators that Hill was once over with the girl. The neighbor noticed bruising all over the child’s face. Hill reportedly looked at the neighbor and said, “One day she’s going to kill somebody,” referring to her own daughter.

According to court documents, investigators spoke to Hill while her daughter was still at the hospital and fighting for her life. Despite the girl being in a serious state, investigators said Hill still left to go to work.

Investigators later asked how Hill could compare her daughter to a serial killer like Jefferey Dahmer in such a time of crisis. Hill reportedly began to laugh and called her dying daughter an “a**hole.”

Court documents reveal that numerous witnesses told investigators about noticing bruising, black eyes and swelling on the 18-month-old in the weeks prior to her death. A message sent by Hill to her boyfriend in October talked about wanting to throw the child because she wouldn’t stop talking. Hill once more called her child an “a**hole.”

Just days before the child was finally taken to a hospital, Hill reportedly told a co-worker that her baby “used to be beautiful and now she is ugly.” Hill also reportedly told the co-worker that she thought her boyfriend would marry her if only she didn’t have a baby.

Multiple witnesses also reported to investigators that Hill would just throw food on the ground for the child to eat. She referred to this method as “free roaming.”

According to the court documents, it was at the urging of Hill’s boyfriend that the mother at last took her daughter to a Bedford hospital on Nov. 23, 2022. Investigators learned that just six days before this, DCS received an anonymous tip about Hill that accused the mother of possible child abuse and drug use.


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