Christopher Jackson Murders Eric James Smith

christopher jackson texas

Christopher Jackson was sentenced to death by the State of Texas for the murder of Eric James Smith

According to court documents Christopher Jackson would steal Eric James Smith vehicle at gunpoint and then drove away. However Jackson would come back around and fatally shoot Eric James Smith

Christopher Jackson would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death

Christopher Jackson Photos

christopher jackson texas

Christopher Jackson Now

NameJackson, Christopher
TDCJ Number999524
Date of Birth05/24/1984
Date Received04/19/2007
Age (when Received)22
Education Level (Highest Grade Completed)10th grade
Date of Offense12/05/2005
 Age (at the time of Offense)21
 Hair ColorBrown
 Height (in Feet and Inches)5′ 8″
 Weight (in Pounds)208
 Eye ColorBrown
 Native CountyHarris
 Native StateTexas

Christopher Jackson Case

Christopher Devon Jackson, 25, was convicted of killing Eric James Smith, 34, in December 2005.

Evidence showed Smith, who came to Houston after fleeing his home in New Orleans, was putting gas in his rented SUV when Jackson approached him at gunpoint and took off with the vehicle. Smith was talking to a 911 operator while walking home when Jackson returned, apparently to rob him, and shot him in the head with a sawed-off shotgun

Jurors at Jackson’s 2007 trial heard a recording of the 911 call as Smith told his attacker he had no money. Then there was the sound of a gunshot.

Jackson contended there were nine errors at his Houston trial. The appeals court, in its mandatory review of the case, rejected the claims.

Jackson argued gruesome photos of the shooting victim shown to jurors were unfairly prejudicial, that instructions to the jury and closing arguments by prosecutors were improper and his juvenile criminal record was improperly allowed into evidence.

Records showed Jackson committed 267 infractions over two years while in the custody of the Texas Youth Commission, and 114 of those infractions were serious enough to require hearings.

A week before Smith’s slaying, Jackson used the same gun to shoot a man in the face at a convenience store, prosecutors said. He already was jailed on a weapons charge when he was arrested for Smith’s death.

Jackson does not have an execution date. He still can raise appeals in the federal courts

Defense lawyers at his trial argued Smith’s shooting was accidental and part of a drug deal, but prosecutors said there was no connection between the two men

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