David Biro was a sixteen year old living in Illinois who would murder his next door neighbors
According to court documents David Biro would force his way into the home of Stephen and Nancy Langert. Once inside he would brutally murder the couple and rob the home
David Biro would be arrested and later convicted of murder, intentional homicide of an unborn child, home invasion and burglary.and sentenced to life in prison without parole
David Biro has been attempting for years to get his sentence reduced but so far he has been rejected
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David Biro Now

Offender Status: IN CUSTODY
Admission Date: 12/27/1991
Last Paroled Date:
Projected Discharge Date: INELIGIBLE
David Biro Sentencing
David Biro, the Winnetka teen convicted last month of killing Richard and Nancy Langert in their townhouse in the North Shore suburb, was sentenced Friday to spend his life in prison for the murders.
Seated comfortably, his fingers laced together and smiling occasionally as he spoke to his defense attorneys as the hearing progressed, Biro, 18, kept secret any motive he might have had for taking their lives, a factor that bothered Nancy Langert`s family.
”I think we all wished that part of his sentence would be that he sit down with us and tell us why. How could you do this?” said Jeanne Bishop, Nancy Langert`s sister. That he did not, she said, ”is part of our life sentence, I suppose.”Biro was convicted of the murders by a Cook County Circuit Court jury that deliberated only two hours. He was not eligible for the death penalty because he was 16 at the time of the slayings.
His defense attorneys, Robert Gevirtz and Dennis Born, said David Biro had said nothing because he still maintains he is innocent. And although Biro outwardly received the sentence calmly, Gevirtz said, Biro was shaken by the prospect of never again being free.
”He`s devastated,” Gevirtz said. ”How would anyone feel if they were going to prison for life?”
The mysterious Langert killings knocked Winnetka, a tony suburb, back into headlines that it had last garnered when Laurie Dann, a mentally troubled woman, went on a shooting rampage at a grade school, eventually killing a child and injuring six other people in 1988.
Biro had kept news stories written about Dann in a scrapbook in his third-floor bedroom, according to prosecutors Patrick O`Brien and Scott Nelson.
Richard Langert had been shot once in the back of the head and Nancy Langert, who was three months` pregnant, was shot in the abdomen and in the back in the basement of their townhouse on April 7, 1990.
”It wasn`t a killing for profit. It wasn`t a killing because of any threatened action by the decedents,” said Judge Shelvin Singer as he tried to glean a motive for the killings before he announced his sentence.
”It was simply a cold-blooded killing. He wanted to kill apparently to achieve some sort of infamy from that killing-some sort of notoriety for that killing,” Singer said.
Biro was arrested on Oct. 5, 1990, after a New Trier High School classmate told Winnetka police that Biro had described killing the Langerts and had shown him the murder weapon.
Biro had told his friend, Phu Hoang, that he had cut glass panes out of the Langerts` patio doors, entered and waited in the townhouse for the couple to return home. When they did, Hoang testified that Biro said they begged for their lives and Nancy Langert had pleaded for the life of her baby.
Hoang testified that Biro told him he accidentally fired a shot when he was surprised by a dog`s barking. He said Biro told him he offered to lock the Langerts in the basement and leave. But as Nancy Langert went downstairs, she saw Biro`s face and Biro knew he had to kill them, Hoang testified.
Biro never said why he had chosen the Langerts, and no one ever proved they had met, although Biro`s parents and the Bishop family had been friends. Biro testified he attended Nancy Langert`s funeral.
In his own testimony, Biro admitted he had told Hoang and others details of the killing, but he said Hoang had been the only one who didn`t realize he was joking.
Police found the murder weapon, a pair of glass cutters and two sets of handcuffs, similar to those found on one of Richard Langert`s wrists, in Biro`s bedroom. Police also found a shoulder holster, ammunition and computer equipment Biro admitted he had stolen from New Trier High.
Several jurors said they based their verdict on the implausibility of Biro`s testimony of how the murder weapon came into his possession.
Although Biro admitted stealing the handgun from his former attorney`s office, he said he had given the gun to a classmate to sell. Instead, Biro testified, the classmate returned the gun to him the night of the killings and asked Biro to hide it because he had just used it to kill two people.
Biro`s defense attorneys said they will appeal the sentence.