David Gibbs Executed For 2 Texas Murders

David Gibbs was executed by the State of Texas for a double murder

According to court documents David Gibbs would break into the home of 29 year-old Marietta Bryant and 46 year old Carol Ackland. David would sexually assault both women and murder them

David Gibbs would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death

While on Texas death row Gibbs would murder fellow inmate Calvin Williams

David Gibbs would be executed by lethal injection on August 23 2000

David Gibbs Photos

David Gibbs - Texas execution

David Gibbs FAQ

When Was David Gibbs Executed

David Gibbs was executed on August 23 2000

David Gibbs Case

David Earl Gibbs was convicted and sentenced to death for the July 1985 murder of 29 year-old Marietta Bryant. Gibbs raped and murdered Bryant and her roommate, Carol Ackland. Gibbs worked and lived at the Conroe, Texas apartment complex where Bryant and Ackland lived. Both women were outpatients of the Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation (MHMR). The MHMR caseworker assigned to Bryant and Ackland alerted police after he had been informed that neither of the women had shown up at work for several days. When police, the caseworker and family members of Bryant arrived at the women’s apartment, they found Bryant and Ackland dead inside. Their bodies were in an advanced stage of decomposition. Both women’s throats were cut. Forensic evidence connected Gibbs to the murders and he was arrested soon thereafter.


Gibbs was arrested after police searched his apartment and found a pack of cigarettes that were the same brand as the cigarette butt found at the murder scene. Police went to the residence of Wanda McNeil, a friend of Gibbs. There they found a radio that belonged to Bryant. Gibbs gave a written statement to police admitting to the rape and murder of Marietta Bryant and her roommate Carol Ackland. Gibbs’ fingerprints were found on the inside of the front entrance of the door to Bryant and Ackland’s apartment. His fingerprints were also found on a band-aid box taken from the crime scene. Police found a pair of boots in Gibbs’ apartment with human blood on them. Police interviewed a friend of Gibbs who had been with him the night of the murders. Gibbs’ friend told police that Gibbs was wearing boots that night and that Gibbs left the bar around midnight. The friend told police that when Gibbs returned, he was wearing different clothes and shoes.


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