steven taylor florida

Steven Taylor Murders Alice Vest In Florida

Steven Taylor was sentenced to death by the State of Florida for the murder of Alice Vest According to court documents Steven Taylor and an accomplice would break into the residence of Alice Vest. The woman would be sexually assaulted, robbed and murdered Steven Taylor would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death Steven Taylor…

Michael tanzi florida

Michael Tanzi Murders Janet Acosta In Florida

Michael Tanzi was sentenced to death by the State of Florida for the murder of Janet Acosta According to court documents Michael Tanzi would carjack Janet Acosta who was driven to a remote location and murdered Michael Tanzi would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death Michael Tanzi Photos Michael Tanzi Now DC Number: K04389…

Kenneth Stewart florida

Kenneth Stewart Murders Mark Harris In Florida

Kenneth Stewart was sentenced to death by the State of Florida for the murder of Mark Harris According to court documents Kenneth Stewart was picked up hitchhiking by Mark Harris and Michele Acosta. When they reached their destination Kenneth Stewart would shoot both Mark Harris and Michele Acosta. Mark Harris would die from his injuries….

Jason Stephens florida

Jason Stephens Murders Robert Sparrow In Florida

Jason Stephens was sentenced to death by the State of Florida for the murder of Robert Sparrow According to court documents Jason Stephens and accomplices would force their way into a home. Before leaving they would kidnap three year old Robert Sparrow. The little boy would later be murdered Jason Stephens would be arrested, convicted…