Demetrius Smith Murders 2 In Texas
Demetrius Smith was sentenced to death by the State of Texas for a double murder
According to court documents Demetrius Smith would break into the home of an ex girlfriend who he would fatally shoot. When the woman’s eleven year old daughter tried to flee she would also be shot and killed: Tammie White and Kristina White
Demetrius Smith would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death
Demetrius Smith Photos

Demetrius Smith Now
Name | Smith, Demetrius Wayne | |
TDCJ Number | 999512 | |
Date of Birth | 05/13/1977 | |
Date Received | 07/05/2006 | |
Age (when Received) | 29 | |
Education Level (Highest Grade Completed) | 08 | |
Date of Offense | 03/24/2005 | |
Age (at the time of Offense) | 27 | |
County | Harris | |
Race | Black | |
Gender | Male | |
Hair Color | Black | |
Height (in Feet and Inches) | 5′ 8″ | |
Weight (in Pounds) | 204 | |
Eye Color | Brown | |
Native County | Harris | |
Native State | Texas |
Demetrius Smith Case
A brief summary of the evidence reveals that appellant had been dating Tammie White, a mother of three who was separated from her husband. Appellant and White broke up in late January or early February of 2005. On the afternoon of March 24, 2005, at approximately 3:15 p.m., appellant called White on her cell phone as she, her mother, and her sister were going to the hospital to visit a relative. Appellant told White, “You think I’m playing with you, bitch? You’re going to die today.” White held the phone so her mother and sister could hear the threats. White hung up and appellant immediately called back, but White would not speak to him. White was not concerned about the calls.
A neighbor reported that earlier on the same day, she witnessed appellant climbing over White’s patio fence. White was not home, and Demetrius Smith appeared to be locked out. Then around 3:00 p.m., she saw appellant again, sitting on White’s porch, but White’s car was gone at the time.
Later that same day, White was home with her eleven-year-old daughter, Kristina. Kristina was playing with some neighborhood friends on the front porch, while White was in the back bedroom talking on the phone with her sister, Katherine. At approximately 6:00 p.m., appellant came up to the door. Kristina tried to stop him from entering her home, but appellant pushed her out of the way and went inside. Appellant went to the back bedroom. Over the phone, Katherine twice heard White say, “[Appellant], don’t play with me.” Katherine then heard gunshots and the phone went dead. Appellant shot White in the chest, neck, and head at close range.
Meanwhile, Kristina had followed appellant inside and got a knife from the kitchen. Immediately following the gunshots, Kristina came back out and told the other children that appellant had shot her mom and to run. Kristina ran around a car, dropped the knife, and got down in a ball, covering her head with her hands to protect herself. Within a minute, appellant came out of the house and approached Kristina. He then shot her twice, once through the top of the head, before running off. As he was leaving, witnesses heard appellant say that now he was going to get Tamara, referring to Kristina’s fourteen-year-old sister who was not home at the time. Demetrius Smith was apprehended shortly thereafter. Tamara, who had been taken into protective custody following the threat to her life, remained unharmed.2