Jacob Larosa was a fifteen year old teen killer from Ohio who would murder his ninety four year old neighbor Marie Belcastro
According to court documents Jacob Larosa would break into the home of his ninety four year old neighbor Marie Belcastro. Larosa would attempt to sexually assault the elderly woman and beat her to death
Jacob Larosa would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole for twenty five years
Jacob Larosa Now

Aggregate Sentence Life without Parole
Parole Eligibility Years 25 years
Expected Release Date/Parole Eligibility Date 03/23/2040
Number A753938
DOB 07/27/1999
Gender Male
Race White
Admission Date 10/19/2018
Institution Allen Correctional Institution
Jacob Larosa Videos
Jacob Larosa Case
Trumbull County Prosecutors are asking the court to keep the teen accused of brutally beating and attempting to rape his 94-year-old neighbor behind bars for the rest of his life. Defense attorneys representing him are asking that the judge take into account Jacob’s childhood and mental health.
In separate sentencing memorandums filed on Friday both sides are asking for a judge to side with them on sentences. Prosecutors have requested that Larosa be sentenced to life in prison without the possibilty of parole, while attorneys on his behalf argue that Larosa should face a life sentence with possible parole after 20 years.
The 18-year-old was found guilty in February of murdering his 94-year-old neighbor, Marie Belcastro at her Niles home in March 2015.
LaRosa was just 15 in 2015 when prosecutors say he broke into Belcastro’s home and beat her to death with a heavy metal flashlight. He was set to be tried as an adult when he plead no contest to aggravated murder, robbery, burglary and attempted rape.
In their filing, prosecutors make their case, saying “Stated simply, the offenses that this defendant committed are straight out of a slasher film” and “it is evident that there was no motive, other than murder and mayhem for the sake of murder and mayhem”
Prosecutors also argue that Larosa should not be given a chance at parole because of a likelihood that he would commit more criminal offenses.
To that effect, prosecutors argue that Larosa has shown no remorse and has “repeatedly bragged to other incarcerated juveniles about beating Marie Belcastro…”
They argue that since Larosa’s incarceration he has “shown absolutely zero remorse for these offenses. He has dozens of write-ups, confrontations with staff, and reprimands.”
A court document says that “The defendant stated that his attorneys had been telling him to show remorse and he was hopeful he could do so at sentencing. He could not.” The argument continues stating, “Indeed there were many tears shed by witnesses, family members, and victims alike during the two-day sentencing hearing on this case. Not a single one was shed by this defendant.”
The memorandum also argues that Larosa would likely commit future heinous acts: “These are the acts of a budding young psychopath, who will surely mature into a more skilled and cunning killer should this Court allow it.”
“Belcastro was so brutally beaten that she required a closed casket funeral which denied her family, friends, and loved ones the opportunity to bury her with even a little dignity.”
Prosecutors say that the facts of the Belcastro murder are proof enough to deem Larosa a future threat.
The arguments from prosecutors continued citing that Larosa was released from Trumbull County Juvenile Justice Center at around 11 a.m., and by 5:22 p.m. he was “home lying about being beat up…”
Furthermore, the memorandum argues that Larosa had committed previous acts of violence.
“Often his step-father and siblings slept in a locked room with a firearm in fear of the monster that resided with them,” it reads.
Prosecuting attorneys argue that life without the possibility of parole is allowed in cases in which the juvenile offender has been deemed beyond all possible types of redemption. They argue that Larosa fits the bill.
Their motion reads- “the Defendant in this case has gone beyond murder. He is irredeemable. He is not only a murderer but has added the element of a sexual murderer.”
However, defense attorney for Larosa argue differently, stating that the court should “Give him an opportunity to earn a release some day. If he does not take advantage of that opportunity, he will ultimately serve the balance of his life in prison because he will never be released.”
Larosa’s attorneys argue that the “heinous” nature of the crime is not the only thing that should be considered.
Indeed, defense attorneys argue that a judge should consider Larosa’s mental health. They argue in their memorandum that Larosa suffers from ADHD, bipolar disorder, hyperactivity and more.
“Jacob exhibited problem behavior as early as age two when he set a fire at home, ” they wrote in their memorandum.
However, defense attorneys argue that Larosa has a cognitive impairment.
A portion of the memorandum reads, “Testing on academic achievement and intellectual ability conducted when Jacob was in school and in 2015 show that Jacob has cognitive limitations, which impacted Jacob’s academic performance and functioning.”
In addition, defense attorneys, say that the court should take into consideration Larosa’s home life, including young parents and relationship issues at home.
The filing alleges that Jacob Larosa suffered verbal and/or physical abuse at the hands of both his stepfather and father.
For example, the memorandum recounts an instance in which Larosa was beaten with a belt buckle for eating a snack cake.
The familial issues allegedly continued after Belcastro’s death.
Defense attorneys allege that following his arrest Larosa’s father visited him and suggested that he “join a prison gang.”
However, the filing argues that Jacob Larosa is not irredeemable, citing that he chose to enter a “no contest” plea to “spare the family any further pain that resulted from his actions.”
In addition, attorneys claim that Jacob Larosa’s first criminal proceeding was when he was 14, rather than earlier.
The filing also states that Jacob Larosa leads a peer group in detention called “Life Changers” and focuses on teaching others to “manage anger”.
Defense attorneys also claim Jacob Larosa has shown a desire to finish school and become a counselor.
A sentencing date has not yet been set.