Jimmy Brooks and Michael Carruth were sentenced to death by the State of Alabama for the murder of a twelve year old boy
According to court documents Jimmy Brooks and Michael Carruth would attack a father and a son. The father would have his throat slit and the twelve year old boy, Brett Bowyer would be shot three times in the head.
Jimmy Brooks and Michael Carruth would dig a shallow grave and put the father and son in it. However the father was still alive and would crawl to a road and get help
Jimmy Brooks and Michael Carruth would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death
Jimmy Brooks Photos

Michael Carruth Photos

Jimmy Brooks and Michael Carruth FAQ
Where Are Jimmy Brooks and Michael Carruth Now
Jimmy Brooks and Michael Carruth are incarcerated at Holman Prison
Jimmy Brooks and Michael Carruth Case
[I]n the evening and early morning hours of February 17 and February 18, 2002, the defendant, Jimmy Lee Brooks, Jr. and another person identified as Michael David Carruth,[1] entered the home of Forest F. (Butch) Bowyer and his son William Brett Bowyer while the home was occupied by both Forest F. (Butch) Bowyer and his son William Brett Bowyer. William Brett Bowyer was twelve (12) years of age.
“[Brooks] and [Carruth] entered the Bowyer home under the guise of being narcotics officers. The Bowyers were handcuffed and taken to a remote road construction site in rural Russell County, the vicinity of the ultimate murder site, where the elder Bowyer was questioned concerning a safe. The mode of transportation was a white Ford Crown Victoria that had a security shield between the front and back seats.
“The Bowyers were taken back to their home in order for Forest F. (Butch) Bowyer to get money for [Brooks] and [Carruth]. While there, [Carruth] slapped the elder Bowyer. [Brooks] found money and a .38 caliber Smith and Wesson revolver.
“[Brooks] and [Carruth] transported the Bowyers back to the road construction site, this time to the murder site. [Carruth] walked Forest F. (Butch) Bowyer away from the car and cut him on the neck. [Brooks] told Forest F. (Butch) Bowyer that he ( [Brooks] ) wanted to kill Bowyer whether Bowyer had any money or not. Further, [Brooks] told Bowyer that he was going to enjoy slitting Bowyer’s son’s throat in front of him. [Carruth] then cut Forest F. (Butch) Bowyer’s throat. [Brooks] also cut Bowyer’s throat. [Carruth] sat on Forest F. (Butch) Bowyer and told him to ‘go to sleep.’ It was during this period of time that the child, William Brett Bowyer, asked [Brooks] and [Carruth] not to hurt his daddy. The response to the child from [Brooks] was that he needed to be concerned about himself, not his dad.
“[Carruth] told the defendant, Jimmy Lee Brooks, Jr., ‘I’ve done one, now you do one.’ At this point, the defendant, Jimmy Lee Brooks, Jr., shot the child in the head. When a gurgling sound came from the child, the defendant, Jimmy Lee Brooks, Jr., commented ‘the little M.F. doesn’t want to die’ and shot him two (2) more times in the head. The child, William Brett Bowyer, fell into a shallow grave. The father, Forest F. (Butch) Bowyer, was thrown on top of the child. [Brooks] and [Carruth] laughed and joked as they threw dirt on the dead child and his father, covering them in the shallow grave.”
(C. 85-87.) After Brooks and Carruth left the scene, Forest Bowyer dug himself out of the grave and flagged down a passing motorist for assistance. He later identified both Brooks and Carruth as the perpetrators of the crimes.