John Alba Executed For Murder Of Wendy Alba

John Alba was executed by the State of Texas for the murder of Wendy Alba

According to court documents John Alba was arrested for molesting his twelve year old niece. When at the police station he demanded his wife Wendy Alba bail him out however she refused.

John Alba would be released on bail John Alba would track her down and murder her

John Alba would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death

John Alba was executed by lethal injection on May 25 2010

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When Was John Alba Executed

John Alba was executed on May 25 2010

John Alba Case

A Dallas-area man was executed Tuesday evening for barging into a suburban apartment almost 19 years ago and fatally shooting his estranged wife while out on bail on a child molestation charge.

When a warden asked he had a final statement, John Alba, 54, asked for forgiveness.

“I wish I could go back and change it, but I know I can’t,” he said.

He also addressed his son and daughter who watched through a window.

“Just tell everyone I love them,” he said. “Y’all will be OK. I will too.

“OK, warden,” he added. “Do it!”

As the lethal drugs began to take effect, Alba said he could taste them.

“I am starting to go,” he said just before snoring and slipping into unconsciousness. His face began turning purple and nine minutes later, at 6:19 p.m., he was pronounced dead.

Alba and his wife, Wendy, 28, had a rocky marriage marked by alcohol abuse and infidelity and domestic violence, according to trial testimony. On the day of the shooting, Alba was released from jail after posting bail on a charge of molesting a 12-year-old girl.

The girl’s parents were among the people in the death chamber who watched Alba die.

The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals rejected a request for a reprieve Monday in an appeal that argued that Alba’s sentence was improper because he wasn’t eligible for life without parole under a law passed just a few years ago, that his Hispanic race illegally figured into his sentencing, that he shouldn’t have been charged with capital murder and that his sentencing was unconstitutional.

The U.S. Supreme Court refused to review that appeal Tuesday, about 30 minutes before he was taken to the death chamber.

The Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles also denied a clemency request.

Alba declined to speak with reporters as his execution date neared.

Testimony at his trial showed his wife had taken refuge in a neighbor’s apartment in Allen while she was trying to find a women’s shelter. Alba showed up, forced his way in and shot her with the .22-caliber semiautomatic pistol he bought that day. The nebail the day of the shooting.

Alba was arrested the day after the shooting in a parking lot not far from the apartment after a two-hour standoff with police in which he held a gun to his head and threatened to kill himself. A police SWAT team ended the stalemate with tear gas and a stun grenade.

Alba was the 11th prisoner executed this year in Texas, the nation’s busiest death penalty state. Next week, convicted killer George Jones faces lethal injection, on June 2, for a fatal carjacking robbery in Dallas 17 years ago.

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