Johnny Kormondy was executed by the State of Florida for the murder of Gary McAdams
According to court documents Johnny Kormondy would force his way into the home where he would murder Gary McAdams and sexually assault a female inside of the home
Johnny Kormondy would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death
Johnny Kormondy would be executed on January 15 2015 by lethal injection
Johnny Kormondy Photos

Johnny Kormondy FAQ
When Was Johnny Kormondy Executed
Johnny Kormondy was executed on January 15 2015
Johnny Kormondy Case
A man believed to be the ringleader of three men who broke into a Pensacola-area home in 1993, shot a man and raped his wife, was executed Thursday night at Florida State Prison, becoming the 21st to occur under Gov. Rick Scott.
Johnny Shane Kormondy, 42, died at 8:16 p.m., after a lethal injection process that took 11 minutes. He was convicted as the mastermind behind a 1993 home invasion where resident Gary McAdams was shot in the back of the head and his wife, Cecilia, was raped.
“I feel peace,” Cecilia McAdams said. “Justice has been served. … It’s the right thing. He needed to die.”
Shortly before the lethal drugs rushed into Kormondy’s body, he thanked God and his family.
“I pray to Jesus Christ; Son of God,” Kormondy said. “I’m coming home.”
At 6 p.m. Thursday, witnesses filed into the small viewing room of the death chamber for what looked like it was going to be an on-time event
However, a last-minute emergency motion that Kormondy’s attorneys jointly filed with colleagues representing another condemned inmate due to die in Oklahoma placed an indefinite hold that left the McAdams family waiting in silence.
The witnesses were ushered to a chapel after an hour wait in the viewing room and then brought back about 8 p.m. The lethal drugs began to flow at 8:05 p.m. and Kormondy was declared dead at 8:16 p.m.
During the process, his chest heaved, his jaw dropped and then his body was still. His face turned purple shortly before a doctor pronounced him deceased.
Cecilia McAdams said she had walked into the witness viewing room not knowing what to expect, and that the delay made her angry.
“… But it wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be,” she said. “That’s kind of sad when you’re watching a man die, but I witnessed my husband after he had been murdered.
That sight was a lot worse than anything I could have seen today.”
Scott signed Kormondy’s death warrant on Nov. 24, shortly after he was elected to a second term. So far, Scott has presided over 21 executions, which ties him with former Gov. Jeb Bush, who oversaw the same number of executions over the span of two four-year terms.
Scott declined an interview request to explain his philosophy on execution — only telling media that he believes it’s the right thing to do.
The 42-year-old Kormondy was twice sentenced to death, according to The Associated Press. He was first sentenced in 1994, but the Florida Supreme Court called for a new hearing in 1997 because of problems with testimony during his trial. Kormondy was convicted again in 1999 by another jury.
A copy of Kormondy’s death warrant showed that the state high court affirmed his second death sentence in 2003, and it denied a request for post-conviction relief in 2007.
In September 2011, the U.S. District Court denied Kormondy’s request to be freed from prison, which was subsequently upheld by the U.S. Court of Appeals. Also, the state Executive Clemency Board ruled clemency was not appropriate.
The two other men involved in the 1993 home invasion received life sentences because they assisted in the investigation.
Kormondy’s record with the Florida Department of Corrections showed he served five months in prison in 1991 on charges of vehicle theft and burglary. He was brought back to the prison system in 1994 for the McAdams case.
For his last day alive, Kormondy woke up about 6 a.m. and took a shower. About 9:30 a.m. he had his last meal of fried alligator tail, fried okra, fried shrimp, vanilla ice cream, hash browns and fried eggs. He also drank two cups of cream soda, according to McKinley Lewis, a DOC spokesman.
Kormondy’s mother, two brothers, sister, son and his spiritual adviser visited him earlier on Thursday.