Kyle Dermody and Trey Stewart-Gayle Murder Nathaniel Shani

Kyle Dermody and Trey Stewart-Gayle
Kyle Dermody and Trey Stewart-Gayle

Kyle Dermody and Trey Stewart-Gayle are two teen killers from England who would murder fourteen year old Nathaniel Shani

According to court documents fourteen year old Kyle Dermody and thirteen year old Trey Stewart-Gayle had a falling out with Nathaniel Shani. The three young teens agreed to meet in a alley to settle their differences in a fist fight however the two teen killers came armed with a knife and screwdriver. Nathaniel would be stabbed causing his death

Kyle Dermody and Trey Stewart-Gayle would be arrested and ultimately convicted of the murder

The two teen killers would be sentenced to life in prison however due to their young ages at the time of the murder Kyle Dermody is eligible for release after thirteen years and Trey Stewart-Gayle after ten years

Kyle Dermody and Trey Stewart-Gayle Case

The teen killers found guilty of murdering 14-year-old Nathaniel Shani when they were just 14 and 13 have been named for the first time.

Kyle Dermody, now 15, knifed Nathaniel to the neck in Harpurhey, after a row over cannabis.

A second teen, 14-year-old Trey Stewart-Gayle, was also convicted of murder.

Stewart-Gayle, then 13, who had been armed with a screwdriver, was found to have ‘encouraged and assisted’ Dermody.

Reporting restrictions have been in force prohibiting both teenagers from being named in press reports surrounding Nathaniel’s murder.

However, their names have now been disclosed for the first time.

n her ruling, High Court judge Mrs Justice Ellenbogen said: “The public will wish to know the identities of those who commit such a serious offence in seeking to understand how it is that children of that age can do so. Knife crime in general and the circumstances of this particular case are matters of substantial public interest.”

Last month, the pair were both detained at His Majesty’s Pleasure, the youth equivalent of a life sentence. Dermody will have to serve at least 13 years, while Stewart-Gayle was ordered to be detained for at least ten years.

When she sentenced them, the judge said of their victim: “That a boy of his age should have met his death by boys of a similar age is a tragedy – sadly it is no longer shocking.”

The trial heard that Nathaniel died following a row over cannabis theft.

Nathaniel and Kyle Dermody, who had previously been friends and attended Manchester Communications Academy together, had met in an alleyway off Tavistock Square on September 15 last year as part of a ‘fight to settle differences’.

There had previously been a ‘fall out’ between Dermody and Nathaniel and they had ‘engaged in physical fights’.

Nathaniel was said to have ‘viewed himself as a hard kid’ who was ‘interested in a reputation that matched that’.

Prior to his death, Nathaniel had become involved in ‘street level’ drug dealing ‘through people older than him’.

Detectives told the Manchester Evening News that he had been exploited by a dealer, and had only been involved for about two weeks prior to his murder. Police said Nathaniel’s family had no idea of his association with drugs.

On the day of the killing, cannabis had been stolen from a friend of Nathaniel’s by Stewart-Gayle. Nathaniel was said to have viewed the incident as a ‘loss of face’ and was ‘determined’ to get the drugs back.

An arrangement was made for a ‘one v one fight’ to ‘sort things’. Nathaniel arrived in the square at about 6pm and met with the pair.

Stewart-Gayle was said to have ‘tried to egg him on’. During the ensuing confrontation Nathaniel punched Dermody, who produced a knife and stabbed him to the neck. Stewart-Gayle told Dermody to ‘do it’ after he had produced the weapon.

Nathaniel was seen clutching his neck after being knifed, before collapsing in the square. He was pronounced dead at 7.08pm.

During the trial, Dermody claimed that he believed that Nathaniel had a knife, and said he was acting in self-defence.

Stewart-Gayle handed himself in to police the following day. In a prepared statement he said he had taken the screwdriver from Dermody, but denied intending to use it.

He said Nathaniel had disarmed him of it and threw it at Dermody. Stewart-Gayle admitted taking cannabis from another boy. Both boys were found guilty of murder after a trial.

Sentencing, the judge said: “Whatever his flaws, Nathaniel did not deserve to die and not in such a violent way.

“He deserved the opportunity to better himself and to make a positive contribution to society.

“Unlike you, and by reason of your senseless behaviour he will never now be able to do so.”


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