Leon King Executed For Sexual Assault And Murder

Leon King was executed by the State of Texas for a sexual assault and murder

According to court documents Leon King and an accomplice would force a young couple at gunpoint into a vehicle. The vehicle would be driven to a remote location where the male was beaten to death and the woman was repeatedly sexually assaulted

Leon King would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death

Leon King was executed by lethal injection on March 22 1989

Leon King Photos

Leon King

Leon King FAQ

When was Leon King executed

Leon King was executed on March 22 1989

How was Leon King executed

Leon King was executed by lethal injection

Leon King Case

On April 10, 1978, two Baytown young persons drove into the Houston Montrose area where they stopped at two different nightclubs. Leaving the second club at 11:30 p. m., Michael Clayton Underwood and his female companion, K____ B____,[3] were accosted by appellant and Allen Carter who had driven up in a maroon pickup truck. Carter exited the passenger side, brandishing a shotgun and instructed the couple to cross the street and enter the truck. The streets were deserted, so they did as they were instructed.

During the next twenty five minutes as Leon King drove around, Carter took the $11.50 the couple had between them, and on discovering that Kay had only $.50, appellant hit her hard in the chest with his elbow.[4] Leon King asked Carter what he wanted to do with Underwood, to which Carter replied, “I think we ought to waste him.” King said “I think that’s cool,” and told Carter he knew of a place where they could go and Underwood “wouldn’t be found for months.” Kay started crying. Appellant told her to stop crying or he would “blow [her] head off too,” adding, “it wasn’t anything new to him.”

Carter then unzipped the back of Kay’s blouse and began fondling her breasts, saying to Underwood, “I like your chick.” Leon King pulled into an isolated vacant lot, up to a cement slab and stopped. Carter exited the truck, instructing Underwood to do likewise, and then Kay. At this point King objected, saying, “No, [we’re] going to spare the chick…. We are going to fuck the *489 hell out of her and then we will decide what to do.” From in the truck, Kay could hear Carter and Michael Underwood talking softly without argument, but Underwood’s tone sounded as if he were pleading.

Kay then observed Carter push Underwood down. The latter laid still on his stomach. Carter then called to King, who exited the truck, walked around its rear and took the shotgun from Carter. King said to Kay, “Get out of the truck; I want you to watch me waste your old man.” Kay slid to the edge of the seat, where she could see Michael, lying on the concrete surface, on his stomach with his eyes closed, offering no resistance. Appellant raised the shotgun above his head and struck Underwood in the back of the head with the butt of the weapon. He raised the shotgun again and repeated the blow. At this point Kay turned her head, but, as she reported it, “He continued to hit him. I could hear it. It sounded like something just kept hitting the ground like woodchopping…. eight or nine times.” Leon King put the shotgun in the bed of the pickup.

King and Carter both got back in the truck and after driving around a short while longer, appellant stopped, got the weapon from the back, walked out of sight for several minutes, and returned without it. When he got back in the truck, he ordered Kay to take off her clothes. Still crying, she sat motionless. Carter unzipped her blouse and pulled it off. Appellant first tried to pull the zipper on her pants down, then ripped it open and pulled off her pants. Both Carter and King got undressed, the latter instructing her to lie down in the seat with her head toward the steering wheel. The men had earlier informed her that they had a .45 caliber pistol under the seat; she did as she was told. Carter got on top of her and penetrated her vagina with his penis. Carter told her to put King’s penis in her mouth, which she did.

After approximately thirty minutes of this, King and Carter traded positions. According to Kay, the two men continued the assault, switching places a number of times; during this period they talked and laughed about killing Underwood and told Kay they had been to a party where they “didn’t get enough,” laughing at her plight.[5] After two continuous hours of sexual assault and banter, appellant decided they had been at that spot too long and he was going to move. He drove to an apartment complex and parked under a carport. During the fifteen minute drive, Carter was having intercourse with Kay, and on arrival, appellant got back on his knees and forced her to take his penis in her mouth.

Again, King and Carter took turns raping Kay and alternately forcing their penises in her mouth continuously for two additional hours. The radio was on and when it was announced that the time was 4:45 a. m., King told Carter to “hurry up and get your nuts off, it’s late and we have got to go home,” whereupon Carter reached climax, with King quick to follow.

Everyone got dressed and King drove back to the Montrose area near where the couple had been abducted. King asked Kay for her address. Carter looked through her purse and found a letter from her parents; he handed it to King who tore the address off. He told Kay not to go to the police, because he had her address and would come to her apartment and kill her. As King and Carter let Kay out of the truck, appellant again threatened to kill her if she reported the night’s events.

Kay got into her car and began looking for a telephone; crying and in pain, she finally just pulled into a gas station and stopped because she “couldn’t drive anymore.” Two men approached her car and asked if she were okay. She asked them to call the police which they did. She was immediately taken to the hospital by the officers


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