Lesley Warren North Carolina Serial Killer

lesley warren

Lesley Warren is a serial killer who was sentenced to death by the State of North Carolina for a series of murders

According to court documents Lesley Warren would murder Jayme Denise Hurley, Patsy Diane Vineyard,Velma Faye Gray and Katherine Johnson all of the victims were strangled

Lesley Warren would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death

Lesley Warren Photos

lesley warren

Lesley Warren Now

Offender Number:0487180                                          
Inmate Status:ACTIVE
Birth Date:10/15/1967
Current Location:CENTRAL PRISON

Lesley Warren Case

On 15 July 1990 Terri Quinby attended the Radisson Hotel employees’ picnic held at Cedrow Park in High Point, North Carolina, with her two brothers, her sister, and her children and their children.   Defendant went with Ms. Quinby and her family to the picnic.   Ms. Quinby introduced the victim, whom she knew when the victim worked part-time in the Radisson gift shop, to defendant at the picnic where they played softball, ate, and drank beer.

After the picnic, around 4:00 p.m., many of the Radisson group, including defendant, went to Applebee’s.   At Applebee’s defendant told Ms. Quinby’s brother Freddy he would “have her [the victim] by the end of the night” and that “he would have her [the victim] before the night was over, for us to watch and see.”   Ms. Quinby and the rest of her family along with defendant and the victim went to the house of Ms. Quinby’s sister, Robin, for dinner.   The victim rode with defendant on his motorcycle, and Robin drove the victim’s car from Applebee’s to Robin’s house.

At approximately 9:00 p.m. they all went to Ms. Quinby’s house.   After sitting on the porch for a while, defendant and the victim went for a motorcycle ride.   They drove by Ms. Quinby’s house around 11:30 p.m.   Defendant returned about an hour later to get the victim’s car.   He said that the victim could not drive it and that they were going to get a room at the Town House Motel.

On the morning of 16 July 1990, defendant was sleeping on Ms. Quinby’s couch.   He said that he left the victim at the motel and walked back so that she could drive to class that morning.   Defendant spent the week at Ms. Quinby’s house.

On 20 July 1990 High Point police arrested defendant at the Quinby house on a South Carolina warrant.   When he was arrested and searched, the police found a set of keys which defendant claimed were his;  the police later discovered that the keys were to the victim’s car.

Defendant was transported to Asheville, in Buncombe County, North Carolina, and was questioned about murders in Asheville and South Carolina.   Defendant confessed to the victim’s murder in High Point and told Asheville police that he had placed the victim’s body in the trunk of her car and had parked it in a parking deck near the Radisson.   High Point police located the victim’s car and found the victim’s naked, decaying body in the trunk, with a bra wrapped around her neck.   Defendant’s fingerprints were found outside the driver’s side door, and his right palm print was found on the outside of the trunk.   Defendant had further stated that he and the victim had had sex in a soccer field.   High Point officers searched the athletic field and found the victim’s shoes near an unmown grass embankment.

The autopsy revealed areas of hemorrhage indicating strangulation by pressure to the neck.   The pathologist determined that the cause of death was asphyxia due to strangulation.   The victim’s decomposed body was identified by using dental records.

Defendant presented no evidence at the guilt phase.


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