Marvin Gabrion Murders Accuser

Marvin Gabrion was sentenced to death by the Federal Government for the murder of a woman

According to court documents Marvin Gabrion would sexually assault the victim, Rachel Timmerman, and would be arrested and later released on bail

Before the sexual assault trial began Rachel Timmerman and her infant daughter would go missing. Timmerman body would be found and Marvin Gabrion would be arrested for murder. The daughter’s body has never been found

Marvin Gabrion would be convicted and sentenced to death

Marvin Gabrion Photos

Marvin Gabrion

Marvin Gabrion FAQ

Where is Marvin Gabrion now

Marvin Gabrion is currently incarcerated at Terre Haute USP

When is Marvin Gabrion execution

Marvin Gabrion execution has yet to be scheduled

Marvin Gabrion Case

A Michigan man convicted of a 1997 murder is one of 62 federal death row prisoners who soon may be executed after the federal government announced on Wednesday it would resume capital punishment. 

U.S. Attorney General William Barr has directed the Federal Bureau of Prisons to adopt an addendum to federal execution protocol allowing the federal government to carry out the death penalty after a 16-year lapse, according to a news release from Barr’s office.

Five death row inmates convicted of killing children or elderly people are scheduled to be executed in December 2019 and January 2020.

“The Justice Department upholds the rule of law — and we owe it to the victims and their families to carry forward the sentence imposed by our justice system,” Barr said in the release.

Marvin Gabrion is the only Michigan convict on the list of federal death row prisoners, according to the Death Penalty Information Center. Gabrion is not one of the five scheduled to be executed in December or January.

Michigan abolished the death penalty in 1847, but Gabrion was sentenced to death by a federal court because he committed the crime on federal land. 

In 2002, Gabrion was sentenced to death for murdering Rachel Timmerman, 19, who had accused him of rape. The woman and her 18-month-old daughter went missing days before Gabrion was to stand trial on the rape accusation. 

Timmerman’s body was found weighted down by cinder blocks in a lake at the Manistee National Forest. Her daughter was never found. 

Gabrion is the first person sentenced to death by a federal court in a non-death penalty state since the federal death penalty was reinstated, according to the Death Penalty Information Center. 

It is unclear when or if he will be executed under Barr’s new ruling. 

The attorney general said additional executions will be scheduled later.

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