Michael Butler Murders Toddler

Michael Butler is a killer from Flint Michigan who was convicted of the murder of sixteen month old Chaos Demilo McCarty

According to court documents Chaos Demilo McCarty and his siblings were removed from their mother’s care after they were found living in an abandoned building. Unfortunately Michael Butler would get temporary custody

Weeks after arriving at Michael Butler residence Chaos Demilo McCarty would be killed and his so called father would throw the body into a ditch. Chaos died from severe head injuries and had meth in his system

The body of Chaos would be found weeks later and a neighbor remembered seeing Michael Butler toss something into a ditch

Michael Butler would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to life in prison without parole

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Michael Butler Case

The great aunt of 16-month-old Chaos Demilo McCarty says the boy was doomed from the start.

Michael Butler, the baby’s father, was convicted of killing him in February and received his mandatory sentence Monday of life in prison with no chance of parole.

Donna Schultz, the great-aunt of baby Chaos, never really got a chance to meet baby Chaos due to her relationship with the child’s mother. However, she said the 16-month-old never had a chance at a normal life.

A Genesee County court awarded Butler temporary custody of Baby Chaos just weeks before his death after Chaos and his siblings were found living with their mother in an abandoned home.

In August of 2022, neighbors found the body of Baby Chaos in a ditch in Montrose Township. A woman identified Butler as the man who got out of his car on Morrish Road and placed something in the ditch across the street from her home.

Based on the investigation, authorities believe Chaos died several weeks before his body was found from massive head trauma. They also discovered the boy had methamphetamine in his system.

“He’s a monster,” Schultz said. “How could you beat your kids in the head like that? How could you give your child meth?”

Shultz, knowing the background of the child’s parents, provided a victim impact statement in court during Butler’s sentencing hearing. She helped honor the child she barely knew by making sure justice was served.

“I think that we’re satisfied up to this point,” said Schultz. “But I still think the mother should be charged with something.”

Schultz blames meth and a bad lifestyle choices by Baby Chaos’ parents as the reason the baby never had a chance. She wishes the child’s mother would have made better life choices, but she knows the tragedy cannot be undone.

Shultz offered this advice to people who may know someone experiencing addiction or living questionable lifestyles with children.

“Stay on it, don’t give up,” said Schultz. “Fight whoever you have to fight to save our children.”


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