Monica McCarrick Murders Twin Daughters

Monica McCarrick is a killer from California who was convicted of the murders of her twin three year old daughters
According to court documents Monica McCarrick had been abusing methamphetamine for several days when she would attack her twin three year old daughters, Lili and Tory Bell, with a Samurai sword while they sat in their high chairs causing the little girls deaths
At trial Monica McCarrick lawyers attempted to put forth a mental health defense claiming their clients mental health and drug use caused her to become paranoid which led to the brutal double murder however the jury would feel differently and found her guilty on both accounts
Monica McCarrick would be sentenced to two life without parole sentences. McCarrick in 2023 is appealing her sentence
Monica McCarrick Case
A Fairfield mother gave a tearful apology in Solano County Superior Court on Monday for the brutal slashing deaths of her twin daughters in 2010 and then was sentenced to two life terms in prison without the possibility of parole.
Monica McCarrick, 29, expressed her “deepest sorrow” for the Oct. 12, 2010, slayings of 3-year-olds Tori and Lily Ball. In June, a nine-woman, three-man jury convicted her of two counts of first-degree murder — one count for each of the girls in addition to two counts of assault on a child causing death.
The same jury also rejected her not guilty by reason of insanity plea.
I feel really bad. I pray for all of you every day and I wish there was something I could do to ease the pain for both of our families,” McCarrick said.
“I love Tori and Lily more than anything in the world. I”m so sorry,” she added.
The three-week dual-phase trial began with the emotional testimony of police and fire personnel who responded to McCarrick”s North Texas Street apartment on Oct. 12, 2010, for a report of a fire. Inside, one of the girls was nearly decapitated, and both had defensive wounds to their arms and hands, which prosecuting Deputy District Attorney Terry Ray argued were from McCarrick”s slashes with a samurai sword as they sat helpless in their high chairs.
McCarrick”s mother, Margaret, also addressed the court, attributing her daughter”s difficult childhood and mental illness for the incident and asking that she be placed in a mental facility instead of prison.
The father of the twin girls, Michael Ball, also made an emotional statement before Judge Peter B. Foor, but instead of asking for leniency, he went on to describe an “unconscionable” crime committed by the “defendant,” never referring to McCarrick by her name.
“I will miss all of the joys of my father-daughter relationship,” Ball said.
While evidence of McCarrick”s history of mental illness was presented at trial, jurors also heard evidence that McCarrick”s methamphetamine use caused her to suffer paranoid delusions. McCarrick admitted to doctors that she used the drug in the days leading up to the killings.
“One glaring fact not mentioned by any person on behalf of the defendant, and I think this was also critical in the jury”s finding, and that was this defendant”s choice of drugs,” Foor said.
“There is not a worse drug than methamphetamine,” he added.
Foor sentenced McCarrick to two consecutive life sentences in state prison, each without the possibility of parole. Two additional 25-to-life state prison sentences for the two counts of assault on a child causing death were stayed.
McCarrick was also ordered to pay $6,361 to the state Victim”s Compensation Board in addition to a $10,000 fine. McCarrick was given the opportunity to file a notice of appeal within 60 days.
Ray called the deaths of Tori and Lily Ball, “One of the most brutal murders ever.”
Monica McCarrick Appeal
fter sitting dormant for nearly two years, there was some movement Friday in the appeal of the lifetime prison sentence of a methamphetamine addict Fairfield mother who butchered her twin 3-year-old daughters in 2010.
Monica McCarrick, 34, used a Samurai sword to fatally slash and repeatedly stab her daughters. A jury found her guilty in 2012 of two charges of murder and, after hearing about her troubled history of methamphetamine use, rejected her claim she was insane when she killed her daughters.
McCarrick was sentenced to life in prison without possibility of parole. She is currently locked up at a women’s prison in Chowchilla.
McCarrick apologized at her sentencing for what she did to Lili and Tori Ball on the night of Oct. 12, 2010, at their North Texas Street apartment. McCarrick tried unsuccessfully to kill herself after killing her daughters and she started a small fire, which triggered an alarm that sent police and firefighters to the apartment.
McCarrick’s appeal and the prosecution’s opposition to that appeal were filed with the Court of Appeal in 2014.
The Court of Appeal notified both sides Friday they court would hear oral arguments about the appeal at a Sept. 27 hearing in San Francisco.
McCarrick’s appeal focuses on the jury’s finding that McCarrick was not insane at the time of the murders.
McCarrick will not attend the hearing.