Florida death row

On this page at Murder Database you will find all of the people who have been convicted of murder that have the last name starting with L. The names in italics are female

Murder Database – LA TO LD

Sheila LaBarre

Rogers Lacaze

Andrew Lackey

Clarence Lackey

Brandon Lacy

Robert Ladd

Loyd Winford Lafevers

Karl LaGrand

Walter LaGrand

Edward Lagrone

Richard Laird

Keith Lamar

Anthony LaMarca

John Lamb

Michael Lambert

Michael Lambrix

Donnie Lance

Mabry Landor

Jeffrey Landrigan

Lawrence Landrum

Raymond Landry

Eric Lane

Harold Lane

Thomas Lane

TJ Lane

Edward Lang

Megan Lange

Terry Langford

Adam Lanza

Noah LaPrei

Jerry Lard

James Largin

Paris Laroche

Jacob Larosa

Thomas Larry

Cherie Lash-Rhoades

Frederick Lashley

Aua Lauti

Gregory Lawler

Daryl Lawrence

Gary Lawrence

Jimmie Lawrence

Jonathan Lawrence

David Lawrie

Wayne Laws

Arron Lawson

David Lawson

Stacey Lawton

Wade Lay

Stephanie Lazurus

Murder Database – LE TO LH

Hung Le

Tam Le

Epimenio Leal

Richard Leavitt

William LeCroy

JW Ledford

Chad Lee

Daniel Lee

Darrell Lee

James Allyson Lee

Jeffrey Lee

Ledell Lee

Cody Legebokoff

Allan Legere

Scott Lehr

David Leisure

Michael Lenz

Morgan Leppert

John Lesko

Lucy Letby

Andre Leteve

Amanda Lewis

Chanel Lewis

Howard Lewis

Michael Lewis

Randy Lewis

Rickey Lewis

Teresa Lewis

Armando Leza

Murder Database – LI TO LN

Lucy Li

Kenneth Lighty

Sabrina Limon

Kavin Lincecum

Marion Lindsey

Nicholas Lindsey

Stephon Lindsay

Carl Lindsey

Michael Lindsey

Stanley Lingar

Martin Link

James Little

Leo Little

William Little

Heidi Littlefield

Emmanuel Littlejohn

Charlie Livingston

Murder Database – LO TO LT

Frederick Lochridge

Hunter Locke-Hughes

Clayton Lockett

Courtney Lockhart

Michael Lockhart

Robbie Locklear

Thomas Loden

Bobby Joe Long

David Long

Gabriella Long

Jaered Long

Michael Long

Steven Long

Richard Longforth

Robert Lookingbill

Jason Looney

Daniel Lopez

George Lopez

Joseph Lopez

Charles Lorraine

Davis Losada

George Lott

Gregory Lott

Kody Lott

Ronald Lott

John Lotter

Kristopher Love

Christopher Lovrien

Leslie Lowenfield

James Lowery

Jose Loza

Murder Database – LU TO LZ

Daniel Lucas

Doyle Lucas

Melissa Lucio

Daniel Lugo

Andrew Lukehart

Chancey Luna

Joe Luna

Jeffrey Lundgren

David Lynch

Dustin Lynch

William Lynd

Glenn Lyons

Robbie Lyons