cornel cooks oklahoma

Cornel Cooks Executed For Jennie Ridling Murder

Cornel Cooks was executed by the State of Oklahoma for the murder of Jennie Ridling According to court documents Cornel Cooks and a accomplice would break into the home of his neighbor Jennie Ridling, 87, who would be sexually assaulted and murdered before her home was robbed Cornell Cooks would be arrested, convicted and sentenced…

George Gilmore – Missouri

Norman Newsted Executed For Lawrence Buckley Murder

Norman Newsted was executed by the State of Oklahoma for the murder of Lawrence Buckley According to court documents Norman Newsted would fatally shoot taxi driver Lawrence Buckley during a robbery Norman Newsted would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death Norman Newsted would be executed by lethal injection on July 8 1999 Norman Newsted…

George Wallace - Oklahoma execution

George Wallace Executed For 2 Oklahoma Murders

George Wallace was executed by the State of Oklahoma for two murders According to court documents George Wallace would murder Mark Anthony McLaughlin, 14, and William Eric Domer, 15, days apart and would also murder Alonzo Don Cade, 12,. While in prison Wallace would confess to two more murders that took place in North Carolina….

Roger Berget - Oklahoma execution

Roger Berget Executed For Rick Patterson Murder

Roger Berget was executed by the State of Oklahoma for the murder of Rick Patterson According to court documents Roger Berget and an accomplice would kidnap Rick Patterson who would be driven out to the woods and fatally shot. Berget would also confess to the murder of James Meadows Roger Berget would be arrested, convicted…