Brogan Rafferty Craiglist Killer

Brogan Rafferty was a sixteen year old teen killer from Ohio who along with his partner, serial killer Richard Beasley were responsible for three murders

According to court documents Brogan Rafferty and Richard Beasley would lure men to their home by posting ads on Craigslist looking for manual labor. When the men would show up they would be murdered: Ralph Geiger, 56, David Pauley, 51, and Timothy Kern, 47.

Brogan Rafferty and Richard Beasley would be arrested and convicted

Richard Beasley would be sentenced to death

Brogan Rafferty would be sentenced to life in prison with no parole for 25 years

Brogan Rafferty Now

brogan rafferty 2023

Number A633123

DOB 12/24/1994

Gender Male

Race White

Admission Date 11/13/2012

Institution Trumbull Correctional Institution


Brogan Rafferty Videos

Investigators Link a String of Unsolved Murders to Online Job Posting | American Justice | A&E

Brogan Rafferty Case

In August of 2011, Mr. Rafferty was sixteen years old. At that time, his friend
Richard Beasley, a man in his fifties, devised a plan to rob and murder men who responded to a
posting that Mr. Beasley created for a non-existent job as the caretaker of a 680-acre farm in
Noble County, Ohio.

Ralph Geiger, David Pauley, Scott Davis, and Timothy Kern were four of
the men who responded to the posting. After luring these men to wooded locations, Mr. Beasley
fatally shot and buried Mr. Geiger, Mr. Pauley, and Mr. Kern, and stole their possessions. Prior
to the murder of Mr. Kern, Mr. Beasley had also lured Mr. Davis to a wooded area, where he
attempted to shoot him in the head. However, the gun jammed, allowing time for Mr. Davis to
escape. As he ran from Mr. Beasley, Mr. Beasley was able to shoot him once in the arm. After hiding in the woods throughout the day, Mr. Davis made his way to a home where the residents
called authorities for assistance.

{¶3} The officers investigating Mr. Davis’ attack learned that Mr. Davis met Mr.
Beasley after responding to the posting for the caretaker position. Thereafter, they learned that
Mr. Pauley had been reported missing after responding to a similar advertisement. In the area
where Mr. Davis had been attacked, police located the body of Mr. Pauley in a shallow grave.

{¶4} During the course of their investigation, the officers developed Mr. Beasley and
Brogan Rafferty as suspects. On November 16, 2011, law enforcement officers went to Mr.
Rafferty’s high school and interviewed him. During this interview, the officers informed Mr.
Rafferty that they were investigating a case regarding Mr. Beasley. Mr. Rafferty acknowledged
that he and Mr. Beasley had breakfast with a man, whom the officers identified as Mr. Davis, at a
restaurant in Marietta, Ohio, about one and a half weeks prior to the interview. Mr. Rafferty
informed the officers that, after breakfast, they drove to Caldwell, Ohio, where Mr. Beasley and
Mr. Davis had an altercation while they were driving on a country road. Mr. Beasley then told
Brogan Rafferty to drop them off, which he did. Mr. Rafferty drove a short distance up the road, and
he turned around and came back to where he had dropped the men off. When he came back, he
saw Mr. Beasley walking. He picked him up, and Mr. Beasley informed Mr. Rafferty that Mr.
Davis had to leave. Mr. Beasley and Mr. Rafferty then left the area. Mr. Rafferty confirmed
that, about a week prior to meeting with Mr. Davis, Mr. Rafferty had traveled to this area with
Mr. Beasley and eaten at a place called the Ashton. On that trip, they had just been driving
around with no other purpose of being in that area. Mr. Rafferty also acknowledged that he and
Mr. Beasley may have also met another man in Marietta, but he could not remembe

{¶5} During the interview at the school, officers seized Mr. Rafferty’s car pursuant to
the terms of a search warrant. After the school interview, the officers contacted the Noble
County’s Sheriff’s Office to request an arrest warrant be issued for Mr. Rafferty.

{¶6} Later that day, the officers again interviewed Mr. Rafferty at his home with his
parents present. During this interview, Mr. Rafferty’s parents actively engaged in questioning
Mr. Rafferty along with the officers. Mr. Rafferty maintained that the first time he went to
Noble County with Mr. Beasley was two weeks to one month prior to the interview. During that
trip, they had breakfast at a restaurant in Marietta with “the victim of the first attack.” Over
breakfast, Mr. Beasley discussed with a man (whom the officers noted was David Pauley) the
details of a job working as a farmhand. After breakfast, they drove to Caldwell. Mr. Pauley left
his truck and attached trailer at a gas station there, and then Mr. Pauley, Mr. Beasley, and Mr.
Rafferty drove about ten minutes away up a gravel road. At some point, Mr. Beasley told Mr.
Rafferty to pull over, because there was an area in the woods that they were going to use to
access the farm property. Mr. Beasley and Mr. Pauley got out of the car, and Mr. Beasley
directed Mr. Rafferty to continue down the road and then turn around on the next road, and then
come back. When Mr. Rafferty drove back, Mr. Beasley was alone. Mr. Beasley told Mr.
Rafferty that he and Mr. Pauley had found the property, that they had sealed all the details of the
job, and that he and Mr. Rafferty could leave now. They drove back to the gas station where Mr.
Pauley had left his truck and trailer, and Mr. Beasley got into Mr. Pauley’s truck and drove it.
Mr. Rafferty did not know why Mr. Beasley was taking his truck.

{¶7} During the interview at his home, Mr. Rafferty maintained that he was under the
impression that some items from Mr. Pauley’s trailer were junk that Mr. Pauley needed to get rid
of, including a tool chest, an ammo can, and a shot gun. Mr. Rafferty kept those items, which
the officers found during their search of his bedroom.

{¶8} Brogan Rafferty further acknowledged that he went to Caldwell on a second occasion
because Mr. Beasley informed him that Mr. Pauley had not worked out. This time, they met Mr.
Davis for breakfast, and Mr. Davis and Mr. Beasley discussed the details of the job. They then
all drove to Caldwell, and again, Mr. Beasley directed Mr. Davis to leave his truck and trailer at
a gas station. The three then drove together to the same area where Mr. Rafferty had dropped off
Mr. Beasley and Mr. Pauley. Just as before, he dropped off Mr. Beasley and Mr. Davis, and then
kept driving until he reached a place where he could turn the car around. When he drove back to
the location near where he had dropped the men off, Mr. Beasley was there, and he said that he
had got Mr. Davis set up. Mr. Beasley and Mr. Rafferty then drove back to Akron.

{¶9} When questioned about whether Brogan Rafferty was aware of any pre-dug graves,
he said he was not. However, he acknowledged that he had dug a hole in that area previously,
which Mr. Beasley told him was for piping.

{¶10} After this second interview, the officers received the arrest warrant that they had
requested earlier that day, and they placed Brogan Rafferty under arrest. The officers then
transported Brogan Rafferty to a juvenile detention facility in Zanesville, Ohio.


Richard Beasley Craigslist Serial Killer

Richard Beasley who is known as the Craigslist Serial Killer was sentenced to death by the State of Ohio for three murders

According to court documents Beasley and his teen helper Brogan Rafferty would lure men with the help of Craigslist with the promise of work. When the men would arrive they would be murdered by the pair

Richard Beasley and Brogan Rafferty would be convicted of the murders of Ralph Geiger, 56, David Pauley, 51, and Timothy Kern, 47.

Beasley would be sentenced to death

Brogan Rafferty would be sentenced to life with a chance of parole after 25 years

Richard Beasley Photos

Richard Beasley Ohio

Brogan Rafferty Photos

brogan rafferty ohio

Richard Beasley FAQ

Where Is Richard Beasley Now

Richard Beasley is incarcerated at Chillicothe Correctional Institution

Where Is Brogan Rafferty Now

Brogan Rafferty is incarcerated at Trumbull Correctional Institution

Richard Beasley Case

A jury had recommended execution for Richard Beasley, 53, who murdered three men and wounded a fourth in the US state of Ohio in 2011.

His teenage accomplice, Brogan Rafferty, was sentenced to life in prison without parole in November.

Relatives of the victims held back tears as the judge passed sentence.

In addition to three counts of aggravated murder, Beasley was also convicted of aggravated robbery, kidnapping and attempted murder.

Beasley declined the chance to make a statement to the court at Thursday’s hearing.

He listened to the verdict with his head on this chest, sitting in a wheelchair that he uses to alleviate back pain.

Later, before a second sentencing hearing for the other charges, Beasley said he sympathised with the families of the victims, while maintaining his innocence.

He also said he believed his conviction would be overturned on appeal.

“This case will be reversed,” Beasley said. His statement was cut short by the judge, who said he was only allowed to comment on the sentencing.

Rafferty, who was 16 when he was arrested, was too young to face execution.

One of the victims was killed near Akron, Ohio, while the other men were shot during interviews for fake jobs at a remote farm in south-eastern Ohio.

Scott Davis, 49, who was shot but survived his wounds, told the court during the trial how he had heard the click of a gun while walking in front of Beasley at the farm.

Mr Davis said he was wounded in the arm, but managed to push the gun aside and flee into nearby woods.

Richard Beasley Videos

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