Anderson Lee Aldrich colorado

Anderson Lee Aldrich Murders 5 In Colorado

Anderson Lee Aldrich is a spree killer from Colorado who would murder five people and injured twenty five more during a nightclub shooting According to court documents Anderson Lee Aldrich would enter the Club Q nightclub in Colorado Springs Colorado in November 2022. Aldrich would open fire killing five people and injuring twenty five more…

Ronald Simmons - Arkansas

Ronald Simmons Executed For 16 Arkansas Murders

Ronald Simmons was a spree killer who was executed by the State of Arkansas for sixteen murders According to court documents Ronald Simmons decided to kill his entire family and during a week period would murder sixteen people and injure several more Date Name Age Relationship Cause of death December 22, 1987 Ronald Gene Simmons…

raymond clark florida

Robert Henderson Executed Florida Spree Killer

Robert Henderson was a spree killer who was executed by the State of Florida for a series of murders According to court documents Robert Henderson would go on a reign of terror through several States that would leave at least twelve people dead After the last murders Robert Henderson would turn himself over to police…