tommy holland prison murder

Tommy Holland Indiana Prison Murder

Tommy Holland is a killer from Indiana who was convicted in a prison murder

According to court documents Tommy Holland was serving two life sentences at the Pendleton Correctional Facility when he would stab to death Clifford Baggett which was captured on surveillance cameras. Holland who was previously convicted of killing two people during a grocery store robbery would initially tell authorities unless he was given the death penalty he would keep killing

However his tone would later change when Tommy Holland would plead guilty to the murder of Clifford Baggett and was sentenced to yet another life without parole sentences which basically ensures he will die behind bars

Tommy Holland Now

DOC Number138825
First NameTOMMY
Middle Name
Date of Birth01/1975
Facility/LocationWabash Valley Long Term Segregation
Earliest Possible Release Date*
* Incarcerated individuals scheduled for release on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday are released on Monday. Incarcerated individuals scheduled for release on a Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday are released on Thursday. Incarcerated individuals whose release date falls on a Holiday are released on the first working day prior to the Holiday.

Tommy Holland Case

An Indianapolis man was sentenced Monday to life without parole for the 2019 murder of an inmate at the Pendleton Correctional Facility, the third such sentence ensuring he will never leave prison.

Tommy Holland, 46, was sentenced by Madison Circuit Court Division 3 Judge Andrew Hopper through a plea agreement to life without parole and six years for a felon in possession of a dangerous weapon.

Holland entered pleas of guilty to the two charges and, without objection by Deputy Prosecutor Grey Chandler and defense attorney Bryan Williams, was sentenced on the charges.

After Hopper accepted the plea agreement, Holland, under questioning by Williams, said he didn’t intend to appeal the conviction or sentence.

Hopper found as aggravating circumstances that Holland was already serving two life without parole sentences for murder and the fact that he was in the custody of the Department of Correction.

Holland declined to make a statement prior to sentencing.

At one point, Holland had requested the death penalty for the 2019 murder and indicated he “will continue to drop bodies until you give me the death penalty.”

Holland was charged with murder and accused of stabbing Clifford Baggett at the Pendleton Correctional Facility on Aug. 9, 2019.

Surveillance video captured Baggett’s death in cell block H, according to an affidavit of probable cause by Master Trooper Indiana State Police Jeff Carmin.

Holland is seen entering the cell block and holding something near his waistband, according to the affidavit.

Carmin said Holland walks back and forth as if looking for something or someone and then stopping behind a stairwell. Baggett opens a door in front of the stairwell where Holland had stopped where he is then attacked, according to the affidavit.

“The video then shows the suspect pull a weapon from his waistband and attacks the victim at first in the back and then several times in the body as the victim falls to the floor before DOC guards are able to separate the suspect from the victim,” Carmin wrote.

Holland was previously convicted in Marion County in 2015 for the murders of employees at a Mars Hill Supermarket and a Marathon Gas Station.

The Marion County Sheriff’s Department believes Holland is a suspect in two other slayings in that county.


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