Walanzo Robinson Executed For Dennis Hill Murder

Walanzo Robinson was executed by the State of Oklahoma for the murder of Dennis Hill

According to court documents Walanzo Robinson and Dennis Hill were rival drug dealers and were having an argument over turf. Hill attempted to leave the argument and was shot in the back by Robinson. Hill would attempt to get away however he was shot multiple times by Robinson

Walanzo Robinson was arrested, convicted and sentenced to death

Walanzo Robinson would be executed by lethal injection on March 18 2003

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Walanzo Robinson execution

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When Was Walanzo Robinson Executed

Walanzo Robinson was executed on March 18 2003

Walanzo Robinson Case

Walanzo Deon Robinson was executed Tuesday for the 1989 killing of a rival Oklahoma City drug dealer who was shot three times in the street. Robinson, 31, died at 6:10 p.m. after receiving a lethal dose of drugs at the Oklahoma State Penitentiary. He had been convicted of first-degree murder for killing Dennis Hill May 19, 1989.

“It’s been a long 13 years of waiting, pain and stress for me,” Anthony Lee, Hill’s brother, said in a statement. “And now the time has come when my mind can be free, but Dennis can still be in my heart.” Robinson is the third inmate put to death this year in Oklahoma and the 141st in the state’s history. Execution dates are also set for four other inmates. The execution was carried out after the U.S. Supreme Court denied Robinson’s last-ditch appeal Tuesday without comment. His previous appeals had also all been denied.

Robinson had alleged in Monday’s appeal that racial bias led the jury to give him the death sentence and that the evidence used to convict him was circumstantial and filled with discrepancy. “Walanzo Robinson was properly convicted and sentenced,” Attorney General Drew Edmondson said in a statement. “His appeals have been exhausted and the Pardon and Parole Board has rightfully denied clemency. It is time the execution is carried out.”

Robinson, who was 18 at the time, and Hill were arguing over who could sell cocaine on a northeast Oklahoma City street corner when Robinson pulled out a handgun, witnesses said. Robinson shot Hill, 26, in the back as he tried to run away, then shot him twice more as he lay in the street asking someone to call an ambulance, according to witnesses. “It is absolutely cold-blooded,” said Gary Ackley, who prosecuted Robinson for the Oklahoma County District Attorney’s office. “He swept away the life of Mr. Hill the way you would swipe away a fly that’s bothering you. People with that little regard for human life don’t deserve to live.”

Robinson’s appeal said a lone black juror switched her vote in favor of death only after some white jurors intimidated her and referred to her with racial slurs, like “Little Miss Slave Trader.” Robinson’s attorneys used the same argument in unsuccesfully asking for clemency. The juror, Marcia Davidson, did not testify during the clemency hearing, leaving Robinson to rely on second-hand accounts of her allegations. Edmondson responded to Robinson’s court appeal Tuesday, citing other jurors’ testimony that they heard no such abuse during the deliberations, a spokeswoman said.

Oklahoma Pardon and Parole Board members denied clemency March 12, with three voting against it, one abstaining and the other recusing herself. It was the newly appointed board’s first clemency case. Helen Lee-Hawkins, Hill’s sister, recalled Hill as a fishing enthusiast, who enjoyed reading the newspaper and detailing cars. Hill was also close to her son, she said. “Walanzo showed no emotions, no sympathy or a care in the world for his behavior,” Lee-Hawkins wrote in a letter to the Oklahoma Pardon and Parole Board.

Meanwhile, Robinson ate a last meal Tuesday of cucumber salad, beef sausage pizza, a chocolate fudge sundae with nuts and a small jar of dill pickle halves. Robinson is the third Oklahoma inmate to be put to death this year. Bobby Joe Fields, 39, was executed Feb. 13 for the 1993 slaying of an elderly Oklahoma City woman during a burglary. Daniel Juan Revilla, 34, of Altus, was executed Jan. 16 for the 1986 death of his girlfriend’s baby.


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