Wilson Robitaille Murders 3 In Alabama
Wilson Robitaille was sentenced to death by the State of Alabama for a triple murder
According to court documents Wilson Robitaille would break into a home where he would murder Alisa Taylor and her two children-seven-year-old Robin and four-year-old Trent before robbing the home
Wilson Robitaille would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death
Wilson Robitaille Photos

Wilson Robitaille FAQ
Where Is Wilson Robitaille Now
Wilson Robitaille is incarcerated at Holman Prison
Wilson Robitaille Case
“In the early morning hours of [May] 11, 2001, the defendant drove up to Hamilton, Alabama, from Phenix City, Alabama, to burglarize the home of a couple whom he had met while living in Hamilton during the late 1990’s. This couple owned a jewelry store and he thought he knew where jewelry was kept in their home. After arriving in Hamilton he slept in his car until daylight and then went to a gas station convenience store and visited with some of his old acquaintances. He then drove to a place near the home of the couple whose home he planned to burglarize and parked his car on a side road nearby. He waited for the couple to leave home for work but the man did not leave. He decided to abandon the burglary plan and just borrow enough money from someone to get back to Phenix City. Although he met someone he was going to borrow the money from his pride would not let him ask for the money.
“He wound up at the home of Stuart Taylor and wife Alisa and their two children. He had worked for the Taylors previously and had actually lived in a camper in their backyard while working on their house. He was well acquainted with the Taylors. He knocked at the kitchen door at the Taylor home and was invited in by Alisa Taylor. They sat down at the kitchen table and were engaged in conversation when Alisa exited the room to tend to the children. While she was gone Robitaille noticed Alisa’s purse on the counter and went over to get enough money to buy gas to get him back to Phenix City. Again he was too proud to ask for it. He was in the act of going through her purse when she unexpectedly reentered the kitchen and saw what he was doing. She ran over to him and tried to stop him. This was the beginning of one of the most horrifying events that has ever taken place.
“Wilson Robitaille began stabbing Alisa Taylor with a leatherman’s or multipurpose tool. [Alisa] tried to get away by running to another room. He followed her and when Robin began screaming he got a steak knife and went after her. [Robin] was able to get out of the kitchen door on the carport but Robitaille caught her and brought her back into the house. He broke the blade of one steak knife off in her back and then got another and followed her into her bedroom and stabbed her until she was dead.
“He then went upstairs where Alisa and Trent were. Alisa asked him why he was doing this. He replied that he had gone too far now. He then proceeded to stab her until she was lying helpless and dying on the floor. He then hunted Trent down where his mother had told him to hide in a storage area behind a door in the bedroom and stabbed him to death. Then he went back out in the hall and told Alisa that he was sorry but she was not able to speak as she drew her last breath. He obviously went back to each victim and stabbed them again just to make sure they were dead since some of the stab wounds did not bleed, indicating no blood pressure at the time they were inflicted.
“After making sure that all three were dead he then proceeded to steal bottles filled with coins, knives, scissors, and Alisa’s purse with its contents. Then he fled to Phoenix City where he was arrested. He later took police to a swampy area where he had disposed of Alisa’s purse and some of the murder weapons.”
The State’s evidence also tended to show that on May 11, 2001, Stuart Taylor arrived at his home and discovered the bodies of his wife and daughter. His son’s body was later discovered by police. Dr. Joseph Embry testified that all three victims had been stabbed to death-Alisa had been stabbed 18 times, Robin had been stabbed 17 times, and Trent had been stabbed 10 times.
Stuart Taylor testified that he knew Wilson Robitaille because Robitaille had worked with him at Fikes Chevrolet-Buick automobile dealership and had also done work on his house. He said that approximately one year before the murders Robitaille had lived in a camper behind his house. At the time of the murders Robitaille was living in Phenix City with his girlfriend.
The State also presented evidence indicating that Robitaille confessed to murdering Alisa, Robin, and Trent Taylor. He gave a detailed account of the injuries that he had inflicted on each victim. Robitaille’s statements were corroborated by the wounds each victim sustained. Robitaille also led police to a swampy area in Lee County where he had disposed of Alisa’s purse and several knives that were used in the murders.
Wilson Robitaille testified in his own defense and offered his own account of the events leading up to the triple homicide. He testified that he had worked for Stuart Taylor delivering drugs to Tennessee and that on the day of the murders he was scheduled to travel to Tennessee to deliver crystal methamphetamine. While he was in Hamilton, he said, he decided to visit Alisa Taylor. Robitaille said that when he was in the house he heard a noise and started to walk down the stairs. Someone, he said, hit him on the shoulder and the next thing he remembered was waking up in his girlfriends’s sport-utility vehicle. He went back inside the house, he said, and discovered the bodies of Alisa and Robin.
The jury chose not to believe Robitaille’s account of the events but instead convicted Robitaille of six counts of capital murder.