Axel Rudakubana Murders 3 Children In The UK

Axel Rudakubana
Axel Rudakubana

Axel Rudakubana is a teen killer who would be convicted of the murders of three young girls in the United Kingdom

According to court documents Axel Rudakubana would enter a Taylor Swift themed dance class armed with a knife that he purchased online. Axel would go on a stabbing frenzy killing three little girls: Alice Da Silva Aguiar, nine; Bebe King, six; and Elsie Dot Stancombe, seven. Rudakubana would also injure ten more people attending the class

Axel Rudakubana would ultimately be arrested, plead guilty to a host of charges and would be sentenced to fifty two years to life meaning he most likely will die in prison

Axel Rudakubana News

Axel Rudakubana has been jailed for life, to serve a minimum of 52 years for the murder of three girls in Southport on 29 July 2024, the attempted murder of 10 others (eight children and two adults) and for possession of a knife in a public place, production of a biological toxin namely ricin contrary to Section 1 of the Biological Weapons Act 1974 and possession of information, namely a PdF file entitled ‘Military Studies in the Jihad Against the Tyrants: The Al-Qaeda Training Manual, of a kind likely to be useful to a person committing, or preparing, an act of terrorism, contrary to Section 58 of the Terrorism Act 2000.

Axel Rudakubana, 18 years, formerly of Old School Close, Banks pleaded guilty to all 16 charges against him on Monday 20 January, and was sentenced today at Liverpool Crown Court.

He was convicted of the murder of Alice Da Silva Aguiar, nine; Bebe King, six; and Elsie Dot Stancombe, seven.

Rudakubana was additionally convicted of 10 charges of the attempted murder of eight children and two adults, and one charge of possession of a knife – all relating to the incident at Hart Street, Southport on 29 July 2024.

Axel Rudakubana was today given 13 life sentences and will serve a minimum of 52 years in prison for the offences.

On the morning of 29 July last year, Axel Rudakubana booked a taxi to the Hart Space where 26 children were attending a Taylor Swift themed yoga and dance workshop.

He was carrying a knife bought online days earlier and after leaving the taxi without paying, he entered the building and carried out the appalling attack.

A thorough investigation at the home of Axel Rudakubana led to the discovery of weapons, the ingredients necessary to make ricin and evidence that he had searched and viewed violent material online from a number of sources as well as downloading an academic study of an Al-Qaeda training manual.

Detective Chief Inspector Jason Pye, the Senior Investigating Officer of this investigation said: “Axel Rudakubana has been sentenced for his cowardly and terrifying attack on the young girls at the Hart Space on 29 July.

“Although no outcome at court could possibly ease the pain and trauma of their families, I hope that knowing Rudakubana will now spend a considerable amount of time in prison will bring them some comfort.

“His sustained and ruthless attack took away the lives of three beautiful little girls, Bebe, Elsie and Alice, and the thoughts of everyone at Merseyside Police remain with their families. Our thoughts are also with the young girls who suffered serious injuries, and all of those who were traumatised by what they saw on that morning.

“The incident also impacted on the community of Southport and has been felt across the country. This was the most harrowing, large-scale investigation that our force has ever dealt with and I want to praise the commitment, dedication, and sheer determination of the investigation team who have never had to deal with anything like this before.

“Having committed the most heinous of crimes, Rudakubana then tried at various points of the process to frustrate justice, by remaining silent and resisting co-operation.

“That he chose to plead guilty on the first day of trial at least spared the families and all those affected a trial that they had until that moment feared would compound their grief and distress further.

“Even today, he had to be removed from the dock after repeated attempts to disrupt the sentencing hearing by shouting as the prosecution tried to lay out the details of his awful crimes.

“I am pleased to see that – thanks to the determination of everyone involved in the legal process – all his efforts to frustrate the process were in vain and he has now faced justice for his terrible actions.

“I would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank all those first responders who went to the scene that day and were confronted with unimaginable horrors. Officers went into the building to detain the suspect, emergency services tended to the wounded and members of the public bravely assisted with efforts to help those inside. All will no doubt still be affected by what they witnessed for the rest of their lives.

“I would also like to thank the Investigation Team for their steadfast determination to painstakingly go through every piece of evidence recovered in this investigation to make sure we were able to present the CPS with a comprehensive file of evidence to ensure that justice was done for the victims and their families. I think I can speak for the whole team when I say that this is probably the most harrowing case we have collectively worked on and our thoughts for the family have helped to keep us grounded and focussed despite the traumatic nature of what we were all dealing with.

“I want to thank Counter Terrorism Policing for their unwavering support and advice and the CPS for their support and guidance to ensure we could get justice for Bebe, Elsie and Alice, the injured girls and adults and those who were traumatised by what they saw in the room that day, but miraculously managed to escape.

“Finally, although Rudakubana has been sentenced to prison today, the pain felt by those families will continue for the rest of their lives and I want to pay tribute to Bebe, Elsie and Alice, who will never be forgotten.

“Their families, and those of all the children and adults affected, have behaved with incredible dignity and courage since that dreadful day, and our thoughts are with them today and always.”

The families of Alice and Elsie had victim impact statements read out in court.

The family of Elsie Dot Stancombe addressed Axel Rudakubana directly in theirs: “The nature of your actions is beyond contempt. You deliberately chose that place, fully aware that there would be no parents present, fully aware that those girls were vulnerable and unable to protect themselves.

“This was not an act of impulse; it was premeditated. You chose that place, that time, and those circumstances, knowing that when we arrived, all we would see was the aftermath of the devastation caused. We were robbed of the opportunity to protect our girls.

“Though you have stolen our daughter from us, you will not take away our determination to honour her memory. We will carry her love, positivity and her legacy forward, no matter how much pain you have caused.

“There is nothing that can undo the damage he has caused, but knowing that he will never be free to cause any harm to vulnerable children again, would give us some small measure of justice.

“Perhaps he will have opportunity to contemplate the fear and terror he inflicted upon those girls and sincerely want the consequences to reflect the irreparable damage he has inflicted.”

The family of Alice De Silva Aguiar said: “Alice was the best baby anyone could have as a first-time parent; slept long nights, peacefully quiet and always smiley. As she grew up, we really took notice of what a wonderful girl she was turning out to be.

“Alice was always a very kind girl, who valued equality and fairness at the core. A world of possibilities awaited her, a best friend anyone could ask for. We were so lucky and privileged to have her. Every day felt like a gift. Alice was a beautiful girl, perfect in every way; loved her school, her friends, music, dance, colourful pens and friendship bracelets. She loved Taylor Swift, Billie Eilish and Sabrina Carpenter.

“She was a strong and confident pre-teen with a world of dreams and unlimited potential. We just wanted to see her happy, and that was the easiest job in the world.

“Our bond was very strong, the love in the family was pure. Life was a bliss.

“Our dream girl has been taken away in such a horrible, undeserving way that it shattered our souls. We’re heartbroken that we can never help Alice fulfil her dreams, we can’t hug her anymore, brush her hair, take her to school through her beloved Botanic Gardens. We can no longer wake up with Alice’s happy smile, being playful or get a morning kiss and hug from her. The simple joys of life can no longer be enjoyed because it feels like there’s no point.

“Living without Alice is not living at all. It’s a state of permanent numbness. We can’t see her pictures or videos; they take us back to a time when we were so happy and now we’re in constant pain.”

In sentencing Axel Rudakubana, Mr Justice Goose said: “There were 26 children at the party, all of them happy and enjoying themselves. He targeted those children for the horrific, extreme violence he was intent upon. It was such extreme violence of the utmost seriousness it was difficult to comprehend.

“I’m sure Rudakubana had a settled and determined intention to kill and would have killed all 26 children.

“Many who have heard the evidence and have seen the CCTV recordings might describe what he did as evil. Who could dispute it? On any view it was at least the most extreme, shocking and exceptionally serious crime.

“The harm that Axel Rudakubana caused to each family, each child and to the community has been profound and permanent. The families of Bebe, Elsie and Alice will never recover. The lives of the families of the children who he tried to murder will never be the same.

“It’s likely he will never be released and will spend the rest of his life in custody.”

Sean Goe Murders Raychel Sheridan In Ohio

Sean Goe Raychel Sheridan
Sean Goe Raychel Sheridan

Sean Goe is a killer from Ohio who has been convicted of the murder of Raychel Sheridan

According to court documents Sean Goe and Raychel Sheridan were living together in Ohio when Sheridan disappeared. Police were requested to perform a welfare check by Raychel mother

When police arrived at the scene they found no one home but determined that something suspicious had taken place. While officers were awaiting a warrant they would see a man driving Raychel Sheridan vehicle. Sean Goe would later be identified as the man driving the vehicle. Goe would take off into the woods but would be arrested shortly afterwards.

Raychel Sheridan body would be found the next day wrapped in plastic and shoved into a trash can

Sean Goe would be charged with murder and would later be convicted of the murder of Raychel Sheridan

At the time of his arrest Goe had warrants out for burglary, grand theft of a firearm and domestic violence

Sean Goe was sentenced to life in prison

Sean Goe Case

A Stark County jury found the Plain Township man accused of killing his live-in girlfriend guilty of murder Friday.

The jury found Goe guilty on all indicted charges including murder, burglary, felonious assault, tampering with evidence, grand theft when the property is a firearm or dangerous ordinance, and gross abuse of a corpse for the death of Raychel Sheridan, 24.

Sean Goe’s jury trial began Tuesday in Stark County Court of Common Pleas with opening statements were heard and the prosecution started calling witnesses.

The jury returned the guilty verdict Friday afternoon.

Sheridan’s body was found July 3 wrapped in plastic inside a garbage can at a Canton park, according to a 911 call.

The 911 call was made by a Canton Parks Department employee after finding the body while emptying trash at Mother Goose Land in the 400 block of Schroyer Ave. SW.

Stark County Sheriff deputies were called out to Sheridan and Goe’s apartment in the 4100 block of Orchard Dale Drive NW around 12:30 p.m. on July 2 after Sheridan’s mother requested a welfare check.

Sheriff Maier said the apartment’s door was open and nobody was inside, but since the scene was “suspicious”, deputies requested a search warrant.

While waiting for the search warrant, deputies said they saw a maroon Jeep Liberty, believed to be registered to Sheridan, traveling on Guilford Ave NW.

The driver, identified as Goe, fled on foot into a dense, wooded area after being stopped, deputies said.

After searching for several hours, Goe was arrested early the next morning.

Deputies said Goe also had active warrants for burglary, grand theft of a firearm and domestic violence.

According to court documents, Goe allegedly stole a handgun from a North Canton residence in April and in May, physically threatened Sheridan and cut holes in her tires.

Goe is set to be sentenced on Nov. 18.

Sean Goe Sentencing

Sean Goe, the man found guilty of killing his girlfriend, Raychel Sheridan, was sentenced to 29 years to life in prison

He was sentenced based on the following charges.

Murder and felonious assault: 15 years-to-life
10 years for repeated violations
Tampering with evidence: 36 months
Abuse with corpse: 12 months
Total: 29 years-to-life for all charges

He will be eligible for parole after serving 29 years behind bars.
It was an emotional courtroom as Sheridan’s family awaited Sean Goe’s sentencing. Ahead of the sentencing, the judge heard remarks from Sean’s mother, Renee Graham, who began by apologizing to the Sheridan family for the loss of their daughter. She then spoke about Goe’s troubled childhood prior to his adoption, stating that he had experienced instability, neglect, and abuse.

“I asked the court for mercy, and my son is someone who is shaped by a history of trauma, but he also has the potential to change. He deserves the chance to rebuild his life,” said Graham

In T-shirts emblazoned with sunflowers and images of Sheridan’s aunt, brother, and mother pleaded with the judge to impose the harshest sentence, reiterating that Sheridan did not deserve what happened to her.

“The pain Sean has caused us—or me, not to mention her mom, Dwain, Jonathan, and many, many more—is unforgivable,” said Sheridan’s aunt, Susan Morris.

“At least his family will have the option to remain happy in life because he’s still alive and well, not dumped in a garbage can,” said Jonathan Gillian, Sheridan’s brother.

Throughout the proceedings, Goe seemed unphased until Sheridan’s mother took the stand and spoke directly to him.

“You have murdered our baby girl. My question is, why? Why would you do this to someone who loved you? Who wanted to help your own personal battles? She stood by you regardless of what you did to her. When you had no one else, she truly loved you, and just thinking that, this makes me sick to my stomach,” Lisa said.

Sean’s eyes watered as he stared at Lisa as she spoke.

“What you have done to us is truly evil. I hope you spend the rest of your miserable life in prison,” Lisa continued. “I am so angry that I don’t think I will ever be able to forgive you, and I hope Jesus will.”

Before leaving the podium, Lisa held up two photos of Sheridan for Goe to see.

Then, Judge Frank Forchione began his remarks, showing no mercy. He described the crime as the most brutal murder he had ever encountered, adding that no childhood trauma could justify the heinous acts Goe committed.

“The senselessness of this murder tells me not only are you morally bankrupt, but you have no fiber of decency,” said Forchione

Forchione recounted what Goe did to Sheridan in July, including beating her so severely that she was unrecognizable, shoving her body into a garbage can, and attempting to cover up the crime. He also noted that at the time, Goe had five outstanding warrants for his arrest related to other crimes.

“I will do everything I can to lock you up for a long, long time… it’s obvious to me that I cannot rehabilitate someone like you, with such a disregard for human life,” said Forchione.

Goe was sentenced to 29 years to life on all charges, including murder, felonious assault, tampering with evidence, and gross abuse of a corpse.

“Mister Goe, you sold your soul to the devil. I have ordered you to receive the maximum sentence on every count because you deserve the maximum sentence,” said Judge Forchione.

Following the verdict, Sheridan’s family celebrated, but after everything, Lisa took a moment to look up as if attempting to speak to her daughter.

“We love you, baby girl. I’ve got you. I told you we were going to get this, and we got it,” said Lisa.

Sean Goe Now

sean goe now

Number A814884

DOB 11/05/1997

Gender Male

Race White

Admission Date 12/05/2024

Institution Lorain Correctional Institution


Logan MacPhail Murders Holly Newton In England

Logan MacPhail
Logan MacPhail

Logan MacPhail is a teen killer from England who would murder his ex girlfriend Holly Newton

According to court documents Logan MacPhail and Holly Newton would end their relationship and sixteen year old Logan did not take it well

Logan MacPhail would stalk the fifteen year old girl for an hour waiting for her to be alone when he would attack stabbing Holly Newton multiple times causing her death

Logan MacPhail would be arrested and charged with murder

At trial Logan would admit to the killing of Holly Newton but attempted to put forward he was guilty of manslaughter and not murder however in the end he would be convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole for seventeen years

Logan MacPhail Case

An obsessed and jealous teenager who stabbed his ex-girlfriend to death in an alleyway has been detained for life and told he will serve a minimum of 17 years.

Logan MacPhail murdered 15-year-old Holly Newton in Hexham, Northumberland, in January 2023.

He stabbed her 36 times after he stalked her for an hour as she walked with friends after school.

On Friday, Mr Justice Hilliard described the attack on Holly as “vicious and brutal”.

Newcastle crown court heard that MacPhail, who was 16 at the time of the murder and is now 17, had been Holly’s first and only boyfriend and at the start it was “a typical teenage relationship”.

But Logan MacPhail became obsessed with Holly, wanting to know where she was and who she was going out with. Holly’s mother, Micala Trussler, said her daughter was a victim of domestic abuse.

He killed Holly, from Haltwhistle, Northumberland, after she tried to break up with him.

The judge said the relationship between MacPhail and Holly had “its ups and downs” but was nothing out of the ordinary.When Holly indicated the relationship was over “you were not able to accept that. You were obsessed by Holly”, he said.

MacPhail lured Holly into an alleyway with the specific aim of attacking her where other people could not intervene, he said. “You were filled with resentment and jealousy but still able to calculate where you could best attack her and able to wait until you got that opportunity.”

Hilliard said the attack had lasted a minute or so and included stab wounds to her head. It meant Holly’s mother was prevented from seeing her daughter because of the “horrifying condition she was in”.

Trussler spoke at the sentencing hearing of being unable to hug, kiss or even touch her daughter because she was “a crime scene, she was evidence”.

Hilliard said: “The stark facts are that you made a conscious decision to stab a 15-year-old girl to death with a knife that you were carrying unlawfully in a public place having followed her secretly around town for an hour, all because your relationship with her had ended.

“You were jealous of the fact she might see someone else.

“What happened in this case should not happen to any child or any parent.”

Speaking of the family’s loss, the judge said: “All those years ahead for a 15-year-old girl that she and they will never see.”

Logan MacPhail also stabbed a boy who tried to intervene to help Holly. The boy stood up in court to deliver a victim impact statement in which he said he was struggling with his mental health and found it difficult to concentrate.

The court heard that the night before he murdered Holly, MacPhail had travelled 40 miles from his home to hers and hung around for hours.

He was eventually taken home by police who had been alerted by his mother that he was missing.

MacPhail, from Gateshead, has been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder and has learning difficulties, but the judge said he was sure he knew what he was doing.

Nigel Edwards KC, defending, said MacPhail’s progress since being in secure accommodation has been “meteoric”.

The judge told MacPhail: “I am sure you can make further progress if you continue to try whilst you are in custody, you can definitely do better than you sometimes think.”

Holly’s family believe she was a victim of MacPhail’s controlling behaviour and domestic abuse, but she is too young for it to be categorised that way.

Trussler told the court: “I do not agree that only those over the age of 16 can be victims of domestic abuse and I will use Holly’s experience to petition for change.

“I firmly believe that Logan thought if he couldn’t have Holly, then no one else could.”

Susan Dungworth, the police and crime commissioner for Northumbria, backed the family’s call for a law change. “We need an urgent review of current legislation and how the system can better protect young victims in coercive, controlling and abusive relationships,” she said.

MacPhail claimed he never planned to attack Holly but wanted to use the knife to kill himself. He denied murder but admitted manslaughter, claiming he blacked out, but a jury rejected his story after a six-week trial.

Steven Sopko Murders Braylon Hardges In Ohio

steven sopko
Steven Sopko

Steven Sopko is a teen killer from Ohio who would murder teen Braylon Hardges

According to court documents Steven Sopko and Braylon Hardges left Sopko’s girlfriends home together. As the two teens were walking down the street Steven would allow Braylon to walk in front of him

Steven Sopko would pull out a gun and shoot the teen over a dozen of times in the back. Braylon Hardges would be rushed to the hospital but would die from his injuries

Steven Sopko would be arrested over a month later and ultimately be convicted of the murder. Sopko who was sixteen at the time of the murder was sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole for thirty one years

Steven Sopko Case

A 17-year-old convicted in the murder of 14-year-old Braylon Hardges will likely spend the rest of his life in prison.

Steven Sopko, 17, was sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole after 31 years.

The fatal shooting occurred on November 5, 2023, near East 90th Street and Edmunds Avenue in Cleveland. At the time, Sopko was 16 years old. Prosecutors revealed that Sopko shot Hardges 13 times in the back after the two exited a residence where Sopko’s girlfriend lived.

According to the investigation, after the shooting, Sopko fled the scene and returned to his girlfriend’s home. Emergency responders transported Hardges to a nearby hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

The Cleveland Police Department’s Homicide Unit conducted the investigation, using evidence from phone records, social media, and ballistics tests to link Sopko to the crime.

He was arrested on January 4, 2024, by the U.S. Marshal’s Northern Ohio Violent Fugitive Task Force.

On October 25, 2024, a jury found Sopko guilty of one count of aggravated murder, two counts of murder, and two counts of felonious assault.

Judge Nancy Fuerst imposed the life sentence on Thursday, emphasizing the severity of the crime.

Steven Sopko Now

steven sopko now

Number A814516

DOB 02/14/2007

Gender Male

Race White

Admission Date 11/06/2024

Institution Correctional Reception Center