Curtis Windom Murders 3 In Florida

Curtis Windom florida

Curtis Windom was sentenced to death by the State of Florida for a triple murder

According to court documents Curtis Windom was upset that a man owed him money and was not paying so he would go over to his house and murder two people inside: 27-year-old Valerie Davis; his friend, 23-year-old Johnny Lee. WIndom would cross the third victim at a traffic stop, Davis’ mother, 41-year-old Mary Lubin who would be fatally shot

Curtis Windom would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death

Curtis Windom Photos

Curtis Windom florida

Curtis Windom Now

DC Number:368527
Birth Date:01/29/1966
Initial Receipt Date:11/23/1992
Current Facility:UNION C.I.
Current Custody:MAXIMUM
Current Release Date:DEATH SENTENCE

Curtis Windom Case

At trial, Jack Luckett testified that he spoke with Windom on the morning of the shootings and that Windom asked him if Johnnie Lee had won any money at the dog track.1  When Luckett told Windom that Johnnie Lee had won $114, Windom, whom Johnnie Lee owed $2000, told Luckett, “ ‘My nigger, you’re gonna read about me’ ” because he was going to kill Lee.   R2-23, Appendix to State’s Habeas Response, Appx. A4 (“A4”) at 356.   Later that same day, Windom purchased a .38 caliber revolver and a box of fifty .38 caliber shells from Abner Yonce at a Walmart store in Ocoee, Florida.   According to Yonce, there was nothing unusual about Windom, whom he described as “ ‘calm as could be.’ ”   Id.

Almost immediately after purchasing the gun, Windom pulled up in his car next to Lee, who was standing on the sidewalk talking to Luckett and two women.   Luckett and the two women all testified that Windom’s car was close to Lee and that Windom leaned across the passenger seat of his car and shot Lee twice in the back.   After Lee collapsed to the ground, Windom got out of the car and, standing over him, shot him two more times at very close range.   Windom thereafter ran towards the apartment where Valerie Davis, his girlfriend and the mother of one of his children, lived.   Within seconds of arriving at the apartment, and without provocation, Windom shot Davis in the left chest area as she talked on the telephone.   Windom fled the apartment and ran outside, where he encountered Kenneth Williams on the street.   Windom shot Williams in the chest area at very close range.   Though hospitalized for almost a month, Williams survived.   He testified that when Windom shot him, Windom did not look normal and that his eyes were “ ‘bugged out like he had clicked.’ ”   Id. at 358.

After shooting Williams, Windom made his way to Brown’s Bar, where three men, including Windom’s brother, attempted to take the gun from him.   By that time, Davis’ mother, Mary Lubin, who moments earlier had learned that her daughter had been shot, had left work in her car and was driving down the street.   When she stopped at a stop sign, Windom approached her car, said something to her, and then shot her twice, killing her.   The jury returned guilty verdicts on all four counts of the indictment.

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