Douglas Wright Executed Oregon Serial Killer

Douglas Wright was a serial killer who was execute by the State of Oregon for the murders of seven people

According to court documents Douglas Wright who was an admitted child sexual predator would murder at least seven people between 1969 to 1991. He would also be in and out of prison for a variety of offenses

September 4, 1969 Margaret Rosenberry 71 35 years
2 September 4, 1969 Gail Snelling 27 35 years
3 May 25, 1984 Luke Tredway 10 Not convicted
4 October 1991 Anthony Arthur Barker 27 Death
5 October 1991 William Clement Marks 23 Death
6 October 1991 William Ray Davis 37 Death [5]
7 October 20, 1991 Anthony Shawn “Tony” Nelson 31 Not convicted

Douglas Wright would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death

Douglas Wright would be executed by lethal injection on September 6 1996

Douglas Wright Photos

Douglas Wright - Oregon

Douglas Wright Case

A man who admitted killing three homeless men and a 10-year-old boy he lured off the streets was executed today in Oregon, and South Carolina executed a man who killed three people.

The execution in Oregon was the first there in 37 years. Both men were killed with lethal injections.

In Oregon, the condemned man, Douglas Franklin Wright, had no final words but mouthed, ”I’m sorry,” to the mother of one of his victims before he died. She nodded.

Mr. Wright, 56, had refused to appeal his execution. He was charged with killing a fourth homeless man, but that case never went to trial. He served 12 years in prison for the 1969 murders of an Oregon woman and her mother. Last week, he confessed to kidnapping, molesting and killing a 10-year-old boy who disappeared from Portland 12 years ago.

Oregon is the only state where voters have outlawed capital punishment twice, in 1914 and 1964. They voted to re-establish it in 1920 and 1978.

In South Carolina, Michael Torrence was executed for killing Dennis Lollis and Charles Bush in Midlands in a robbery in 1987, and for killing Cynthia Williams, a Charleston prostitute who he said was his girlfriend, a month later. He stabbed Mr. Lollis as many as 19 times and choked Mr. Bush with a dog chain.

A Federal appeals court denied an appeal on Thursday by a court-appointed lawyer, Jay Elliott, who said Mr. Torrence was borderline retarded.

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