Mario Woodward Murders Officer In Alabama

Mario Woodward was sentenced to death by the State of Alabama for the murder of Officer Keith Houts

According to court documents Mario Woodward was pulled over on a routine traffic stop when he would shoot City of Montgomery police officer Keith Houts who would die in hospital two days later

Mario Woodward would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death

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Mario Woodward Now

AIS: 0000Z756
Institution: HOLMAN PRISON

Mario Woodward Case

Montgomery police officer Keith Houts was on patrol in a neighborhood in north Montgomery on September 28, 2006, and he conducted a traffic stop at approximately 12:30 p.m. Shonda Lattimore testified that she was sitting on her porch when she saw a police officer begin to execute a stop on a gray Impala automobile being driven by a black man wearing a red hat. Lattimore testified that she saw the driver of the Impala reach down for something as the Impala and the police car, with its emergency lights on, passed by the end of her street, before they went out of sight. Soon after the cars passed out of her sight, she heard four or five gunshots fired.

During the traffic stop Officer Houts entered the license tag of the Impala into the mobile data terminal in his patrol car; the vehicle was registered to Morrie Surles. Officer Houts’s patrol car was equipped with a video camera that recorded the events that occurred during the stop. The video recording was played for the jury. The video showed that Houts got out of his patrol car and approached the driver’s side door of the Impala. Just as Officer Houts reached the door, the driver of the Impala fired a gun and shot Officer Houts in the jaw. Medical testimony established that the bullet entered Officer Houts’s neck and severed his spine, causing him to collapse instantly. The driver then reached his arm out of the vehicle and shot Officer Houts four more times. The driver fled the scene in the Impala. Although the dashboard camera captured the shooting on videotape, it did not reveal the identity of the assailant because Officer Houts’s patrol car was positioned behind the Impala and because the assailant did not get out of the vehicle.

Although Officer Houts survived the shooting, he never regained consciousness, and he died two days later.

The police determined that the Impala was registered to Morrie Surles (“Morrie”). Morrie testified that she had purchased the Impala for her daughter, Tiffany Surles (“Surles”).

At around 9:30 on the morning of the shooting, Mario Woodward visited a family friend, Shirley Porterfield. According to Porterfield, Woodward was driving a light-colored Impala, and he was wearing blue jeans, a white t-shirt, and a red fleece jacket. At approximately the same time the shooting occurred, Sharon Shephard, a Montgomery Animal Control officer driving in the area, saw an Impala being driven by a dark-skinned male pass by her at a high rate of speed.

During the evening on the date the shooting occurred Surles’s Impala was found burned in a Montgomery neighborhood. Thalessa Shipman testified that she was a captain of the “Neighborhood Watch” for her street. She said that she heard a loud car driving around the neighborhood on the night of September 28, 2006. The car stopped at her driveway in the cul-de-sac, then backed up to an empty lot located next to her lot. She identified the car as a dark-colored Dodge Neon. Shipman looked over the fence into the empty lot and saw a light-colored car there, and someone standing beside that car. Seconds later, the light-colored car went up in flames, and the person who had been standing next to the burning car jumped into the Neon, and the Neon sped away. Shipman contacted law-enforcement authorities, and they later identified the Impala as being registered to Morrie Surles based on the vehicle-identification number. Additional evidence established that a friend of Mario Woodward’s, Joseph Pringle, owned a black Dodge Neon that had a loose muffler and was loud. The State played a video recording of Pringle’s Neon for Shipman, and she identified the sound of the car as the one she had heard on the night the car was burned in her neighborhood. A detective involved in the murder investigation received information about a black Dodge Neon, and on the day of the murder he and his partner located the car. Joseph Pringle was in the driver’s seat, and another man was in the passenger seat; the trunk of the vehicle was open. A third man was standing next to the car, speaking to Pringle; that man was holding a gas can.

Tiffany Surles, Mario Woodward’s girlfriend at the time of the shooting, testified that in September 2006 she was living with Woodward in an apartment they had rented together. During the evening of September 27, 2006, Surles and Woodward argued, and Woodward left the apartment in her Impala, and he returned later that night. Surles testified that the following morning, on the day Officer Houts was shot, she was taking a shower when Woodward left the apartment again. Woodward had the keys to her Impala the night before, and the Impala was gone. Surles had decided the night before that she was going to move out of the apartment. After Woodward left the apartment on the morning of the shooting Surles telephoned a friend, Wendy Walker, and asked her to help Surles move out of the apartment. Walker and Surles moved Surles’s personal belongings to Walker’s apartment, and the two women decided to drive to Birmingham to go shopping. Woodward telephoned Surles before she and Walker left for Birmingham, and he wanted Surles to meet him. Surles testified that Woodward met them at Walker’s apartment complex and that he got out of a small, dark car. Walker testified that the car Woodward got out of was a black Neon. Neither woman saw Surles’s Impala.

Mario Woodward joined Surles and Walker in Walker’s vehicle, and they drove to Birmingham. Surles and Walker testified that during the trip to Birmingham Woodward said that he had “messed up” and that he had shot a police officer who pulled him over. Walker testified that Woodward spoke on his cellular telephone during the trip and that she had heard him tell someone to “get rid his girl [‘s] car.” (R. 963.) Surles stated that Woodward told her that he had taken care of her car. Surles said she did not get her car back. Walker and Surles testified that Woodward threw something out of Walker’s vehicle while they were en route to Birmingham. Walker testified that the object Woodward threw was a gun.

Walker and Surles testified that in Birmingham they went to the Century Plaza shopping mall. Mario Woodward bought a change of clothing and then asked the women to drop him off at a building near the Valleydale exit of the interstate. Vernon Cunningham testified that he is acquainted with Woodward, and that Woodward telephoned him on September 28, 2006, and wanted to meet with him. Cunningham arranged to meet with Woodward and said two girls dropped Woodward off at the arranged meeting place on Valleydale Road in Birmingham later that day. Cunningham drove Woodward to Cunningham’s house. On the way to Cunningham’s house, they stopped at a grocery store; a videotape from the store’s security camera showed that Woodward was wearing blue-jean shorts, a red sweatshirt, and a red baseball cap with a white emblem on the front. After they arrived at Cunningham’s house, Woodward gave Cunningham the sweatshirt and red baseball cap he had been wearing, and he told Cunningham to burn them. Cunningham testified that he burned the items in his outdoor grill, and the police found remnants of clothing in that grill. Cunningham also testified that Woodward told him that he had shot a police officer during a traffic stop.

Cunningham testified that Mario Woodward asked for a ride and Cunningham agreed to take him to a local restaurant. Roderick Jeter picked Woodward up at the restaurant and drove Woodward to Atlanta, where he dropped Woodward off at a gas station.

Montgomery police detectives interviewed numerous witnesses, and, from the information they received, they determined that Mario Woodward had confessed to shooting Officer Houts and that he was then in Atlanta.

Deputy United States Marshal Joe Parker testified that a be-on-the lookout, or “BOLO,” had been issued for Woodward in the Atlanta area and that on the day after the shooting he recognized Mario Woodward while he was at a gas station in Atlanta. Parker arrested Woodward. He further testified that, at the time of the arrest, Woodward spontaneously exclaimed, “What’s going on? I didn’t shoot anybody.” (R. 1114.)

Records custodians for two cellular telephone companies testified about calls placed from Mario Woodward’s cellular telephones and as to which towers in Montgomery and Birmingham that the calls were routed through. That testimony established that Woodward was in the area where Officer Houts was shot at the same time the shooting took place.

Finally, Agent Al Mattox from the Alabama Bureau of Investigation testified that he had reviewed and attempted to enhance the videotape from Officer Houts’s dashboard camera. He testified that it appeared from the videotape that the person who killed Officer Houts was a black male.

The jury returned verdicts finding Mario Woodward guilty on both counts, and the case proceeded to the penalty phase.

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