Leopoldo Narvaiz was executed by the State of Texas for four murders
According to court documents Leopoldo Narvaiz would go to the home of his ex girlfriend Shannon Mann, 17, and killed her along with her sisters, Jennifer, 19; Martha, 15; and brother, Ernest Jr., 11. All four were stabbed to death
Leopoldo Narvaiz would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death
Leopoldo Narvaiz would be executed by lethal injection on June 26 1998
Leopoldo Narvaiz Photos

Leopoldo Narvaiz Case
Briefly restated, Narvaiz had dated Shannon Mann for several years until she broke off the relationship in February 1988. The next month, Narvaiz approached Shannon Mann and her boyfriend, Ricky Moore, with a knife and a pipe, smashed the windows of Moore’s truck, and stated to Shannon’s mother that “if he wasn’t going to be able to have [Shannon], nobody else was going to”. Id. at 420-21.
In the early morning hours of 15 April 1988, the police received and recorded a “911” telephone call in which the caller, later identified as Shannon Mann, stated: “My boyfriend just beat us up. He’s killed my little sister”. Id. at 421. When the police arrived at the Mann residence, they found all four of the Mann siblings stabbed to death. Ernest Mann, Jr., had been stabbed 63 times. Id. A knife containing Narvaiz’ thumbprint was found in the yard of the residence and the police soon arrested Narvaiz at a friend’s house.
Two days after the arrest, Narvaiz signed a written confession in which he admitted the killings, but asserted that he was under the control of cocaine at the time and that Jennifer Mann first stabbed him in the leg, after which he “just went crazy”. Id. at 422-23.
The day following conviction, the jury affirmatively answered two Texas capital sentencing special issues as to: (1) deliberateness and expectation of death; and (2) continuing threat to society. As a result, Narvaiz was sentenced by the trial court to death by lethal injection.