Gerald Holland Executed For Krystal Dee King Murder

Gerald Holland was executed by the State of Mississippi for the murder of fifteen year old Krystal Dee King

According to court documents Gerald Holland would sexually assault and murder Krystal Dee King

Holland would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death

Holland would be executed on May 20 2010

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Gerald Holland Mississippi

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When Was Gerald Holland Executed

Gerald Holland was executed on May 20 2010

Gerald Holland Case

The state of Mississippi has executed its second death row inmate in as many days, this time a man convicted of raping and killing a 15-year-old girl.

Gerald James Holland was declared dead by lethal injection at 6:14 p.m. Thursday. At 72, he was the oldest inmate on the state’s death row.

He was convicted in the rape and slaying of Krystal King at his home in 1986. Prison officials say he admitted to drinking heavily that night and killing the girl, but he never admitted to rape.

Paul Everette Woodward was executed Wednesday for his 1987 conviction in the rape-slaying of a 24-year-old woman.

The Mississippi Department of Corrections says the last back-to-back executions occurred in 1961

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