ernest whitfield florida

Ernest Whitfield Murders Claretha Reynolds

Ernest Whitfield was sentenced to death by the State of Florida for the murder of Claretha Reynolds According to court documents Ernest Whitfield would break into a home where he would sexually assault a woman before going to another bedroom where he would murder Claretha Reynolds Ernest Whitfield would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to…

anthony wainwright florida

Anthony Wainwright Murders Carmen Gayheart

Anthony Wainwright and Richard Hamilton were sentenced to death by the State of Florida for the murder of Carmen Gayheart According to court documents Anthony Wainwright and Richard Hamilton would escape from a prison in North Carolina and head to Florida. Once in the Sunshine State they would abduct Carmen Gayheart who would be sexually…

Randy Tundidor florida

Randy Tundidor Murders Joseph Morrissey In Florida

Randy Tundidor was sentenced to death by the State of Florida for the murder of Joseph Morrissey According to court documents Randy Tundidor and his son would force their way into the home of Joseph Morrissey. Morrissey would be beaten and robbed before his house was set on fire. Thankfully Morrisey wife and young son…