Michael Lindsey Executed For Murder Of Neighbor

Michael Lindsey was executed by the State of Alabama for a murder that took place during a robbery

According to court documents Michael Lindsey would force his way into the home of a neighbor who he would then stab multiple times and then shot her with a gun.

Michael Lindsey would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death

Michael Lindsey would be executed on May 26 1989 by way of the electric chair

The movie Just Mercy is based off of the story of Michael Lindsey

Michael Lindsey Photos

Michael Lindsey

Michael Lindsey FAQ

When was Michael Lindsey executed

Michael Lindsey was executed on May 26 1989

How was Michael Lindsey executed

Michael Lindsey was executed by way of the electric chair

Michael Lindsey Case

A man who killed a widow and stole her Christmas presents was executed in Alabama’s electric chair early Friday after the U.S. Supreme Court denied his appeal.

Michael Lindsey, 28, was the fourth person executed in Alabama and the 111th in the nation since the 1976 Supreme Court ruling allowing states to resume capital punishment.

Lindsey stared at Warden Charlie Jones as the death warrant was read. Asked whether he wanted to say anything, Lindsey shook his head.

He was declared dead at 12:10 a.m., prison officials said.

he high court rejected Lindsey’s appeal Thursday despite dissents by Justices William Brennan and Thurgood Marshall, said court spokeswoman Toni House. Both justices oppose capital punishment.

Lindsey had no reaction to the court’s decision, said prison spokesman John Hale. Lindsey spent his final hours in Holman Prison with chaplain Robert Simmons, who had said Lindsey was taking it ″very well, very quiet,″ Hale said.

Earlier, Gov. Guy Hunt, a Primitive Baptist preacher, refused to grant clemency to Lindsey.

″The governor declines to alter the decision of the jury and the courts,″ said Stacey Rimer, Hunt’s assistant press secretary.

Lindsey was convicted in the 1981 stabbing and shooting death of 64-year- old Rosemary Zimlich Rutland in Mobile.

The 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Wednesday found no merit in Lindsey’s request for a stay, according to court spokesman Matt Davidson.

The governor’s legal adviser, Bill Wasden, said before Hunt’s decision that clemency could only be granted if there were ″evidence that was not presented at the trial that was so overwhelming as to preclude every other possibility but innocence.″

Wasden and the governor’s chief of staff, Holman Head, met Wednesday with Lindsey’s sister and spoke by telephone with his mother, who lives in California. The governor, who is traveling around the state, did not attend the meeting

Mrs. Rutland was killed Dec. 14, 1981. She was bound, gagged, stabbed and shot, and Christmas presents were taken from her home. Police investigators said Lindsey was captured at a shopping mall using the victim’s credit cards.

Lindsey lived in a rental house directly behind Mrs. Rutland’s home.

Mobile County District Attorney Chris Galanos said Lindsey killed the woman because she recognized him.

Alabama’s last electrocution was Aug. 28, 1987, when Wayne Eugene Ritter was put to death for his non-triggerman role in the robbery and killing of a Mobile pawn shop owner.


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