Timothy Saunders Murders Melvin Clemons

Timothy Saunders was sentenced to death by the State of Alabama for the murder of Melvin Clemons

According to court documents Timothy Saunders would beat to death Melvin Clemons with a crowbar before robbing his home

Timothy Saunders was arrested, convicted and sentenced to death

Timothy Saunders Photos

Timothy Saunders alabama

Timothy Saunders FAQ

Where Is Timothy Saunders Now

Timothy Saunders is incarcerated at Holman Prison

Timothy Saunders Case

A man high on cocaine admitted to taking the life of an elderly man. He then attempted to kill the man’s wife and rob their home. This is the story of Timothy Saunders.

It was July 9, 2004, when Timothy Saunders decided to buy some crack cocaine, according to court documents. Saunders bought cocaine twice that hot Summer day. The first time he smoked that day, he smoked $50 worth of the drug. The second time, it was $100 worth of crack. Saunders decided to go to a property near his mother’s mobile home to smoke the drug.

Saunders told detectives he went to the property because he was ashamed of doing drugs and did not want to be near his mother’s home while he smoked the drugs. At that time, Melvin Clemons, 77, saw Saunders and asked him what he was doing. Saunders allegedly told Clemons that he was getting high, which led to Clemons yelling at him to get off his property. Clemons turned to leave and said something under his breath about calling the police. This infuriated Saunders so he decided to take care of the situation.

Earlier that day Saunders had borrowed a crowbar from Clemons for an unknown reason. He took the crowbar and used it to beat Clemons over the head several times. Saunders then left and “wandered around to clear his head.”

After a while, Saunders decided to go to the Clemons’ house to steal valuables so that he could buy more cocaine. He told deputies he faked an asthma attack and Agnes Clemons, 74, let him inside. When Agnes Clemons attempted to call for help, Saunders grabbed her from behind. Saunders said he smoked cocaine several more times while inside the home and Agnes Clemons poured him a glass of milk to calm him down. He then took Agnes to a back bedroom so he could escape the home. It was at that point that Agnes was able to grab a shotgun and fire it at him, which chased Saunders away.

Saunders was arrested and charged with murder during the course of a robbery, burglary and attempted murder. In August 2005, Saunders was found guilty on all charges and was given his sentence.

Saunders was sentenced to death for the capital murder charge and life in prison for the attempted murder charge. In November 2009, Saunders filed a “timely postconviction petition” in the Baldwin County Circuit Court, however, the petition was dismissed. Saunders is currently on death row at Holman Prison in Escambia County, Ala.


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