Emmanuel Hammond Executed For Julie Love Murder

Emmanuel Hammond was executed by the State of Georgia for the murder of Julie Love

According to court documents Emmanuel Hammond, his girlfriend Janice Weldon, and her cousin Maurice Porter would grab Julie Love from the side of the road. She was forced to give up her ATM card and pin number. When the number did not work Julie Love would be beaten and sexually assaulted. Janice Weldon would leave the group and Hammond and Porter would murder Julie Love

A few months later Emmanuel Hammond assaulted Janice Weldon and she called the police and told them who had killed Julie Love

Hammond would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death. Maurice Porter would plead guilty and be sentenced to life

Emmanuel Hammond would be executed by lethal injection on January 25 2011

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Emmanuel Hammond Execution

Emmanuel Hammond FAQ

When Was Emmanuel Hammond Executed

Emmanuel Hammond was executed on January 25 2011

Emmanuel Hammond Case

Georgia executed by lethal injection late on Tuesday a convicted rapist and murderer who abducted a preschool teacher after her car ran out of gas and shot her in the head.

Emmanuel Hammond, 45, died at central Georgia’s Diagnostic and Classification Prison at 11:39 p.m. local time, according to prisons spokeswoman Kristen Stancil.

The Supreme Court delayed the execution by several hours while it considered whether to hear a final appeal. The state supreme court earlier rejected an appeal by Hammond’s lawyers to postpone the execution.

Julie Love, 27, was engaged to be married at the time of her death in 1988. Hammond abducted her in Atlanta after her car ran out of fuel at night. He first tried to strangle her and then shot her with a sawed-off shotgun, according to court testimony.

While awaiting trial, Hammond bragged about raping her, according to the testimony of a jailer.

Georgia has now executed 49 men since the U.S. Supreme Court reinstated the death penalty in 1976 and Hammond is the 26th to die by lethal injection.

Hammond’s attorneys lost an appeal on Monday to delay the execution to allow them to investigate Georgia’s supply of sodium thiopental, one of the drugs used in lethal injections. The drug has been in short supply nationally.

The state Department of Corrections said it had “an appropriate supply of sodium thiopental.”

Hammond’s last meal was fried chicken, French fries, corn on the cob, jalapeno peppers, mint chocolate chip ice cream and cherry limeade, the department said.


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