Anthony Bryan Executed For George Wilson Murder

Anthony Bryan was executed by the State of Florida for the murder of George Wilson

According to court documents Anthony Bryan was on the run from robbing a bank when he would kidnap George Wilson and stole his car. George Wilson was driven to a remote location where he was struck in the head with a shotgun and fell into a creek where he was then shot in the head

Anthony Bryan would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death

Anthony Bryan would be executed by lethal injection on February 24 2000

Anthony Bryan Photos

Anthony Bryan - Florida execution

Anthony Bryan FAQ

When Was Anthony Bryan Executed

Anthony Bryan was executed on February 24 2000

Anthony Bryan Case

Anthony B. Bryan was convicted and sentenced to death for the August 12, 1983 murder of George Wilson.

On May 27, 1983, Anthony B. Bryan, armed with a shotgun, robbed a bank in Grand Bay, Alabama. He escaped from the crime scene, and a few days later met Sharon Cooper. The two traveled around together and ultimately went by boat from Gulf Breeze, Florida to Pascagoula, Mississippi, where the boat motor was damaged and the two had to stop. There, on August 12, 1983, they met George Wilson, a 60-year old night watchman for seafood wholesaler in Pascagoula. Bryan borrowed tools from Mr. Wilson in an unsuccessful attempt to fix the boat motor.

Bryan then approached Mr. Wilson, and using the shotgun, robbed him of his keys and wallet, tied him up, and placed him in the back seat of his car. Bryan and Cooper then took Mr. Wilson to Santa Rosa County, Florida for a short stay in a motel. Later that morning, George Wilson was driven to an isolated area where, with his hands tied, he was marched at gunpoint to a creek. Mr. Wilson, fearing for his life, asked that he not be crippled. Bryan struck Mr. Wilson in the back of his head with the shotgun and, when he fell into the creek, killed him with a single shotgun blast to the face. Bryan then hid Mr. Wilson’s car and resumed his travels with Cooper until arrested in Madison County, Florida in late August 1983. Bryan was indicted for premeditated first degree murder, kidnapping, and armed robbery of George Wilson.

Prior to his trial, Bryan escaped from the Santa Rosa County jail. He was recaptured, tried and convicted for the Alabama bank robbery, and later convicted for the first degree murder, kidnapping, and armed robbery of George Wilson. The jury recommended the death penalty. On May 16, 1986, Judge Clyde Wells sentenced Bryan to death for the murder of George Wilson.

On September 22, 1988, the Florida Supreme Court upheld the sentence of death upon Anthony Bryan and, on April 17, 1989, the U.S. Supreme Court denied certiorari.

Bryan’s requests for post-conviction relief were denied by the Florida Supreme Court on June 16, 1994. Bryan subsequently petitioned the United States District Court for the Northern District of Florida for habeas corpus relief, which was denied on July 9, 1996. On February 22, 1999, certiorari by the United States Supreme Court was denied.

On December 6, 1989, Bryan’s case was heard before the Clemency Board, and Executive Clemency was determined not to be appropriate. This is the second warrant for Anthony B. Bryan. Governor Bob Martinez signed a death warrant in this case on August 28, 1990.

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