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Heather D’Aoust was a fifteen year old living in California when she murdered her mother According to court documents Heather D’Aoust would attack her mother with a claw hammer and would fatally beat her to death Heather D’Aoust would tell police she planned on murdering her mother, sister and sister’s boyfriend. Heather D’Aoust would be…
Tanner Flores was an eighteen year old from Colorado when he would murder his ex girlfriend Ashley Doolittle According to court documents Tanner Flores was upset that Ashley Doolittle had ended their relationship so he would convince the young woman to take a ride with him so they could discuss what happened. Somewhere during the…
Trameisha Farris and Wilton Alexander are two teen killers from Tennessee who were convicted of the murder of EJ Utley According to court documents fifteen year old Trameisha Farris and sixteen year old Wilton Alexander would go to the home of fifteen year old Edgar “EJ” Utley. Trameisha Farris would lure EJ outside when he…
Dylan Yang was a fifteen year old teen killer from Wisconsin when he would murder thirteen year old Isaiah Powell According to court documents there was a beef between two groups of teens. Isaiah Powell and his group would show up at the home of Dylan Yang. Isaiah Powell who was armed with a BB…
Paris Bennett was thirteen years old when he would murder his four year old sister in Texas. Paris Bennett and his four year old sister were left with a babysitter by their mother. Sometime during the night Paris would convince the babysitter that his mother was on her way home and that she could leave….
Rebecca Falcon was a fifteen year old from Florida when she would murder a taxi driver in the middle of a robbery According to court documents Rebecca Falcon and Cliffton Gilchrist would attempt to rob a taxi driver and in the middle of the robbery Rebecca would fatally shoot the driver Rebecca Falcon and Clifton…