Bryan Toles Executed For 2 Oklahoma Murders

Bryan Toles was executed by the State of Oklahoma for a double murder

According to court documents Bryan Toles and accomplices decided to steal a vehicle. They would force their way into a home in order to steal the vehicles keys. In the process of the robbery they would shoot and kill Juan Franceschi, 39, and his son, Lonnie Franceschi, 15.

Bryan Toles would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death

Bryan Toles would be executed by lethal injection on July 22 2003

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Bryan Toles - Oklahoma execution

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When Was Bryan Toles Executed

Bryan Toles was executed on July 22 2003

Bryan Toles Case

Fifteen-year-old Lonnie Franceschi staggered to his room and collapsed on his bed, crying and bleeding from a .22 caliber bullet wound in the back of his head. Lonnie’s father, Army Sgt. 1st Class Juan Franceschi, lay in a heap in another part of the house, shot in the arm and chest. His mother ran screaming to a neighbor for help after finding the telephone wasn’t working, but help came too late. The father and son died as a result of their wounds.

Ten years and six days later, the man who pulled the trigger in the early morning hours of July 16, 1993, is scheduled to walk the final steps to the state’s execution chamber. Bryan Anthony Toles, 31, has requested a last meal of four fried chicken breasts, mashed potatoes and gravy, three Bama pecan pies, two foot-long chili cheese dogs, a small order of chili cheese fries and a two liter cream soda. The meal is to be served at noon Tuesday. Toles is scheduled to die six hours later.

Comanche County District Attorney Robert Schulte remembers the case very well. Toles and two other men, David Flowers and Casey Young, had been out for a night of drinking before the shootings occurred. “There had been a bar fight so the three of them left,” Schulte recalled. “It was a long walk home from where they were, so they thought they’d get a car and save the walking.”

According to court documents, the three men spotted a Ford Mustang outside of the Franceschi home and decided to steal it, but since none of them knew how to hot-wire a car they decided to get the keys. Toles carried a .22-caliber revolver as he climbed up the front steps to the Franceschi home and rang the bell. When Lonnie Franceschi opened the door, the three men pushed their way into the home. Toles pointed the pistol at the 15-year-old and told him to get down. “He actually had him laying down in the foyer with his hands behind his back like he was waiting to be cuffed,” Schulte said.

Hearing the noise, Norma Franceschi awoke and went to see what was wrong. When she spotted the intruders, she yelled for her husband, who came out of his bedroom and began struggling with Flowers and Young. Toles shot Juan Franceschi in the arm, then shot him again in the chest as the two struggled, according to court documents. Norma Franceschi was a daintily-built Oriental woman, Schulte recalled. “When she saw what was happening, she ran into the bedroom and hid in a small drawer that pulled out from under the bed,” he said. “She could hear Toles walking around looking for her, but since the drawer was so small he didn’t think to look in it. “She heard another shot and she knew her son was hurt – she heard him crying – but she waited a few minutes to make sure no one was there before she got out.”

The telephone in the bedroom wasn’t working, so Norma Franceschi ran to a neighbor for help. Juan Franceschi died at the scene as emergency medical responders worked on him. Lonnie Franceschi was later declared brain dead at a Lawton hospital and was removed from life support.

Last week Enid attorney Jim Hankins filed an appeal with the United States Supreme Court in an effort to stop Toles’ execution. The state attorney general’s office has filed a response to the appeal and “we fully expect to prevail,” said spokesman Charlie Price

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