Davis Losada Executed For Olga Perales Murder
Davis Losada and Jesus Romero were executed by the State of Texas for the murder of Olga Perales
According to court documents Davis Losada, Jesus Romero and an accomplice would sexually assault and murder fifteen year old Olga Perales
Davis Losada and Jesus Romero would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death
Jesus Romero would be executed on May 20 1992
Davis Losada would be executed on June 4 1997
Davis Losada Photos

Davis Losada Case
Testimony at trial showed that the body of fifteen year old Olga Lydia Perales was found on the morning of December 24, 1984, in a brushy area near San Benito. Perales had been raped and then beaten and stabbed. A pathologist testified that the cause of death was several severe blows to the head which caused a skull fracture. In addition Perales had been stabbed two times in the chest but the pathologist testified that since there was very little internal bleeding from these wounds the victim was probably already dead when she was stabbed.
Three friends of the victim testified that they had been with the victim the night of her death. After an evening of walking around San Benito and driving around with several boys, the victim ended up at the home of Ray Amaya shortly before 10:00 p.m. Although her girl friends left, the victim remained at the home of Ray Amaya. This was the last any of Olga Lydia Perale’s friends saw of her.
The State’s principal witness was Rafael Levya, Jr. Levya testified that on the night of the murder he had been driving around, drinking and smoking marihuana with Joe Cardenas, Jesse Romero and appellant. They were in Joe Cardenas’ car. The group eventually ended up at Ray Amaya’s house. When they got to Amaya’s house, they saw him coming out of a shed in his backyard. Amaya told them that he had Olga Lydia Perales in the shed and they were having sex. After talking with Amaya for a few minutes, someone said something about taking Perales home. Amaya called Olga Lydia out of the shed. She came out and spoke with Amaya and then she got into Cardenas’ car. According to Levya, he was sitting in the back seat of the car along with appellant. Joe Cardenas was in the driver’s seat, Jesse Romero was sitting immediately beside Cardenas and Olga Lydia was sitting next to the passenger door in the front seat. Before they started driving away Jesse Romero pushed Olga Lydia’s head down between her knees and told her not to make any noise. When Olga Lydia resisted, Jesse Romero pulled out a knife, held it to her neck and told her to shut up. Cardenas drove out into the country and stopped the car. Levya testified that he, Cardenas and Romero got out of the car. Appellant remained in the back seat and ordered Olga Lydia to climb in the back seat. Olga Lydia’s clothing was removed and, although Olga Lydia pleaded with the quartet to let her go, she was repeatedly raped. Initially she was raped by appellant. Then she was forced to commit oral sodomy on appellant while first Jesse Romero and then Levya had anal intercourse with her. Although Cardenas did not have intercourse with Olga Lydia, Levya testified that he saw Cardenas sticking some object inside of Olga Lydia while she was performing oral sodomy on appellant. When everyone else was finished, appellant raped Olga Lydia two more times, once in the back seat of the car and once on the top of the trunk lid. After the group had finished it was decided that they had to do something to keep Olga Lydia from going to the police. Cardenas pulled a pipe out of the car and handed it to Levya. Everyone told Levya to hit Olga Lydia with it as they had to make sure she did not tell anyone what had happened. Levya testified that he did not want to hit Olga Lydia so he asked her if she would promise not to tell anyone. She immediately *308 did so. He told the others that she had promised not to tell anyone but they all insisted that he hit her. Levya argued with the others for several minutes while Olga Lydia pleaded that she would not tell anyone. Levya testified that suddenly his mind went blank and he took the pipe and hit Olga Lydia on the right side of the head. Immediately thereafter Jesse Romero grabbed the pipe and began striking Olga Lydia. The pathologist testified that she was probably struck 20 to 30 times about the head and the shoulders. Levya testified that when blood began squirting out of Olga Lydia’s head, he turned away but he could still hear the others beating her with the pipe. After the beating stopped, appellant stabbed her once in the chest. Levya and Jesse Romero drug the body into the brush and Levya stabbed her one more time in the chest. The group then got back in Cardenas’ car and left the area. During the trip back to San Benito, they threw the knives out of the car window and stopped on a bridge and threw the victim’s clothing into a creek.