Gary Roll Executed For 3 Missouri Murders

Gary Roll was executed by the State of Missouri for a triple murder

According to court documents Gary Roll and two accomplices would go to the home of the Scheper family in order to rob it. Once inside three members of the Scheper family would be murdered: Randy Scheper, his mother, Sherry, and brother, Curtis

Gary Roll would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death

Gary Roll would be executed on August 30 2000

Gary Roll Photos

Gary Roll Missouri Execution

Gary Roll FAQ

When Was Gary Roll Executed

Gary Roll was executed on August 30 2000

Gary Roll Case

After ingesting alcohol, marijuana, and four to six hits of LSD, Gary Lee Roll, David Rhodes, and John Browne decided to rob a drug dealer.   Roll supplied each of them with a gun and a knife and drove the three to the home of an alleged drug dealer.   When Roll attempted to force open the front door, a child inside cried out.   Rhodes and Browne refused to go inside, so they all returned to Roll’s residence.

Later that night, they decided to rob a different drug dealer, Randy Scheper.   At about 4:00 a.m., Roll drove to Scheper’s house, with Rhodes and Browne.   Roll knocked on the door and Scheper’s mother, Sherry, answered.   Displaying a badge, Roll identified himself as a police officer and ordered her to open the door.   When she did, Roll and Rhodes entered.   Browne, who knew the family, remained outside, fearing he would be recognized.   Inside the house, Roll fatally shot Randy in the head and beat Sherry to death with his gun.   Roll (either alone or in concert with Rhodes) fatally stabbed Randy’s brother, Curtis.   Roll, Rhodes, and Browne then left with some marijuana and $215 in cash.

Returning home, Roll cleaned blood and hair from his gun and blood off his knife and clothing.   He wrapped the murder weapons and a box of ammunition in a package, which his son buried in the woods behind Roll’s house.

In the weeks after the murders, Browne began to fear for his safety.   To protect himself, Browne wore a tape recorder during a conversation with Roll about the murders.   On the tape, Roll admitted committing the murders and getting rid of the murder weapons.   Roll also said that he killed the Schepers because “they knew everybody․  And I figured then they even knew me, because of something that was said in there․”  Browne gave the tape to a friend for safekeeping, who in turn gave it to the police.

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