Juan Soria Executed For Allen Bolden Murder

Juan Soria was executed by the State of Texas for the murder of Allen Bolden

According to court documents eighteen year old Juan Soria and an accomplice asked Allen Bolden for a ride which he agreed to. Shortly after a gun was pulled and Allen was told to drive to an area under a bridge. Allen Bolden would be hit in the head with a rock and stabbed multiple times

Soria would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death

Soria would be executed by lethal injection on July 26 2000

Juan Soria Photos

Juan Soria - Texas execution

Juan Soria FAQ

When Was Juan Soria Executed

Juan Soria was executed on July 26 2000

Juan Soria Case

Texas Attorney General John Cornyn offers the following information on Juan Soria who is scheduled to be executed after 6 p.m., Wednesday, July 26th:

Juan Soria was convicted in Tarrant County, Texas and sentenced to death for the June 1985 murder of 17 year-old Allen Bolden, a recent graduate of Lamar High School in Arlington, Texas. The victim, who had been a competitive swimmer, gave swimming lessons at the Panther Boys Club in Fort Worth and also worked as a lifeguard at the Fort Worth Boys Club.

Allen Bolden was kidnapped in Fort Worth, struck with a rock, and then stabbed twice with a knife in the back of the head, resulting in his death. Soria and his accomplice, Mike Lagunas, then stole Bolden’s car. The series of crimes against Bolden began when Soria and Lagunas asked Bolden for a ride as he was leaving work. Bolden agreed. Once they were in the car, Lagunas put a gun to Bolden’s head and told him to drive to an area under a bridge. There, Lagunas hit Bolden in the head with a rock and Soria stabbed Bolden twice in the back of the head, killing him. Following the murder, Soria and Lagunas picked up two of their friends and bragged about killing Bolden. Soria was indicted in 1985 in Tarrant County on the offenses of murdering Allen Bolden while in the course of committing and attempting to commit robbery and kidnapping. A jury found Soria guilty of capital murder in June 1986.

On June 9th of this year, Juan Soria attacked a 78-year-old volunteer prison chaplain with a razor, attempting to cut the chaplain’s arm off as he visited Soria in his cell. Soria cut the chaplain’s wrist to the bone, severing the arteries and tendons. The chaplain underwent emergency surgery as a result of the attack.


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