Konstantinos Fotopoulos Murders 2 In Florida

Konstantinos Fotopoulos and Deidre Hunt were sentenced to death by the State of Florida for two murders

According to court documents Konstantinos Fotopoulos and Deidre Hunt were creating a plan to murder Konstantinos wife in order to collect a large insurance police

First Konstantinos Fotopoulos would film Deidre Hunt murdering 19-year-old Kevin Ramsey who was tied to a tree and shot. Konstantinos would then get Hunt to hire Bryan Chase, 18, to murder Fotopoulos wife. When Bryan Chase would shoot the wife in the head Fotopoulos would then shoot and kill Bryan in order to make it look like a robbery gone bad. However the wife would survive the shooting

Konstantinos Fotopoulos and Deidre Hunt would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death

Deidre Hunt death sentence would be later overturned and she was sentenced to life without parole

Konstantinos Fotopoulos Photos

Konstantinos Fotopoulos florida

Deidre Hunt Photos

deidre hunt 2023

Konstantinos Fotopoulos and Deidre Hunt FAQ

Where Is Konstantinos Fotopoulos Now

Konstantinos Fotopoulos is incarcerated at Union Correctional Institution

Where Is Deidre Hunt Now

Deidre Hunt is incarcerated at Lowell Annex

Konstantinos Fotopoulos Case

In 1989, Fotopoulos and Deidre Hunt, a woman with whom he was having an affair, went to an isolated rifle range with Kevin Ramsey.   Ramsey was tied to a tree and, at the appellant’s direction, was shot three times in the chest with a .22 rifle by Hunt. This portion of the shooting was videotaped by Fotopoulos.   The taping of the events then stopped, and Fotopoulos shot Ramsey once in the head with an AK-47 assault rifle.   Apparently, Ramsey was executed because he was attempting to blackmail Fotopoulos regarding alleged counterfeiting activities.

The videotape of the Ramsey killing was then used by Fotopoulos to force Hunt to arrange the murder of Fotopoulos’s wife, Lisa. After failing to arrange the hiring of someone to kill Mrs. Fotopoulos three times, Hunt was finally successful in enlisting Bryan Chase to carry out the murder for $5000.   On November 4, 1989, Chase entered the Fotopoulos home and shot Lisa once in the head.   The shot was not fatal.   After Lisa had been shot, Fotopoulos shot Chase repeatedly, killing him.

Fotopoulos and Hunt were eventually charged with two counts of first-degree murder, two counts of attempted first-degree murder, two counts of solicitation to commit first-degree murder, one count of conspiracy to commit first-degree murder, and one count of burglary of a dwelling while armed.   Prior to testifying at Fotopoulos’s trial, Hunt pled guilty to all charges and received two death sentences.

At trial, the State introduced evidence to demonstrate that Fotopoulos was the mastermind behind the events resulting in the deaths of both Ramsey and Chase and the near death of Lisa Fotopoulos.   Significantly, the State constantly maintained in this proceeding that Hunt was dominated by Fotopoulos.   The appellant/petitioner testified in his own defense and asserted his innocence throughout the trial.   The jury found Fotopoulos guilty of all charges and recommended that he be sentenced to death for the murders.   The trial court followed the jury’s recommendation and sentenced Fotopoulos to death.


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