Rachel Shoaf and Shelia Eddy Videos

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Levi Norwood was a seventeen year old teen killer from Virginia who would murder his mother and brother According to court documents Levi Norwood would fatally shoot his mother Jennifer Norwood and his six year old brother Wyatt Norwood. Levi would attempt to murder his father Joshua Norwood however he would miss. Joshua Norwood would…
Michael Swanson was a seventeen year old teen killer who would murder two store clerks in separate robberies in Iowa According to court documents Michael Swanson would travel to Iowa from Minnesota where he would shoot and kill Vicky Bowman-Hall. Swanson would then travel to another Iowa county where he would shoot and kill Sheila…
Jacob Brown was a sixteen year old from Tennessee when he would murder an elderly couple According to court documents Jacob Brown would break into the home of the elderly couple, beat them to death using a baseball bat and robbed the home. Jacob Brown would confess to the murders however would tell police that…
David Biro was a sixteen year old living in Illinois who would murder his next door neighbors According to court documents David Biro would force his way into the home of Stephen and Nancy Langert. Once inside he would brutally murder the couple and rob the home David Biro would be arrested and later convicted…