Robert Murray Executed For 2 Missouri Murders

Robert Murray was execute by the State of Missouri for a double murder

According to court documents Robert Murray, his brother and another man would force their way into a residence where they would force the occupants to the floor. After robbing the residence Jeffry Jackson, 27, and Craig Stewart, 26, would be fatally shot

Robert Murray would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death

Robert Murray would be executed by lethal injection on July 26 1995

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Robert Murray Case

On December 6, 1985 at 12:05 a.m. a man identified as William Murray entered an apartment at 2331 A Park in St. Louis, Missouri. Present in the apartment were Jeff Jackson, Craig Stewart, Gladys Nutall and Claudia Hennings. Murray left the apartment, but returned about thirty minutes later with two other men identified as Robert Murray, his brother and Jesse Craig.

Upon arrival, William Murray announced a holdup and told everyone to “get on the floor”. Robert Murray and Jesse Craig entered the apartment after the holdup as announced. One of the victims, Claudia Henings, observed Robert Murray wearing a mask and when she confronted him by name he removed it.

Robert held a gun on the four victims while a search of the apartment was conducted by William Murray and Jesse Craig. Robert Murray took Ms. Henning’s purse and Mr. Jackson’s wallet while William Murray took Ms. Nutall’s purse and Mr. Stewart’s wallet. William Murray then asked Mr. Jackson if anyone else was coming to the apartment that night. Mr. Jackson told him that another person was coming around 3:00 a.m. to give him a ride to work. The perpetrators decided to stay and wait.

Toward the end of their wait William Murray then told Ms. Nutall to go in the kitchen with him where he raped her while Robert Murray looked on. During the rape Robert Murray also sexually assaulted Ms. Hennings in the living room. After being bound and gagged Mr. Jackson and Mr. Stewart were taken into the kitchen where the Murrays hit them and threatened to stab them in order to persuade them to give up more money.

In the meantime, Ms. Hennings made her escape by jumping out of the second floor window and running for help. She told police that as she was running she heard gunshots being fired. Ms. Nutall reported that she was able to run down the stairs as Ms. Hennings was jumping out the window, but before leaving the apartment she looked into the kitchen and saw Robert Murray hold Mr. Stewart up and shoot him in the back. Ms. Nutall then went to a nearby grocery store where she told a security guard what had occurred.

When police arrived at the scene they found Mr. Jackson and Mr. Stewart lying in the kitchen apparently dead from gunshot wounds. An autopsy report confirmed the observation of the police officers.

Robert Murray was later arrested on December 7, 1985 and identified in a lineup as one of the perpetrators. In a statement to the police, Murray offered information about the crime scene that had not been revealed to him by the police which further implicated him.

State of Missouri v. Robert Murray
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