Ricky McGinn Executed For Stephanie Flanary Murder

Ricky McGinn was executed by the State of Texas for the murder of twelve year old Stephanie Flanary

According to court documents Ricky McGinn was left to care for his stepdaughter twelve year old Stephanie Flanary. However he would sexually assault the child before beating her to death with an axe handle. McGinn would then dump her body and reported her as missing

Ricky McGinn would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death

Ricky McGinn would be executed by lethal injection on September 27 2000

Ricky McGinn Photos

ricky mcginn texas execution

Ricky McGinn FAQ

When Was Ricky McGinn Executed

Ricky McGinn was executed on September 27 2000

Ricky McGinn Case

Texas Attorney General John Cornyn offers the following information on Ricky Nolen McGinn who is scheduled to be executed after 6 p.m. on September 27th. Ricky McGinn was convicted and sentenced to death for the May 1993 murder of his 12 year-old stepdaughter Stephanie Flanary.

Police found Stephanie’s body three days after Stephanie’s mother left Stephanie with McGinn while she traveled to Arlington. Stephanie’s body was found about three miles from the McGinn home in a culvert off Highway 183 in Brownwood, Texas. Stephanie had been raped and beaten in the head with the blunt end of an ax.

McGinn told police that he spent the day working on his truck and fishing. McGinn said he and Stephanie fished and drank beer together, enough to make Stephanie sick. McGinn claims that Stephanie fell asleep after drinking, woke up and went on a walk, and never returned. McGinn said that after he realized Stephanie was missing late that afternoon, he told a friend of his, but McGinn did not call the police about Stephanie’s disappearance until 9:30 that night. The next day police, with trained search dogs, searched McGinn’s car. Police discovered numerous blood splatters in McGinn’s car, which he maintained were from the fish he caught. However, testing identified the blood as human. The blood splatters matched Stephanie’s blood type, as did blood from clothes McGinn had been wearing.

McGinn was subsequently arrested. The suspected murder weapon (an ax) was later found in a pickup truck on McGinn’s property.


Blood splatters found in McGinn’s car, matched Stephanie’s blood type; Hair sticking to a blood stain in the car had the same microscopic characteristics as Stephanie’s; DNA tests performed by DPS on blood from an ax found under the seat of McGinn’s truck, matched the blood on the ax to Stephanie’s blood type; Tests performed by DPS on hair found on the ax determined the hair had the same microscopic characteristics as Stephanie’s hair; Blood stains found on McGinn’s jeans matched Stephanie’s blood type; Post-conviction DNA testing by prosecution and defense experts, matched sperm and pubic hairs found on Stephanie’s body to McGinn.
