Zachary Burkard Murders 2 In Virginia

Zachary Burkard was an eighteen year old from Virginia who would murder two teens

According to court documents Zachary Burkard and the two victims were engaged in a war over social media that quickly escalated. Zachary Burkard would go over to the home and fatally shoot 16-year-old Calvin Van Pelt and 17-year-old Ersheen Elaiaiser.

Zachary Burkard would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to twenty years in prison

Zachary Burkard Photos

Zachary Burkard

Zachary Burkard Now

Zackary Thomas Burkard Alias: 

Not Available Age/Race/Sex


Location Greensville Correctional Center

Inmate I.D.# 2108907

Release Date 02/13/2035

Zachary Burkard Found Guilty

A teenager was found guilty of manslaughter Monday in the shooting deaths of two high school students at a Springfield, Virginia, home last year, and ambulances responded to the courthouse when a victim’s mother and another relative collapsed in apparent shock over the verdict.

A Fairfax County jury found Zachary Burkard guilty of two counts of manslaughter, one count in the death of 16-year-old Calvin Van Pelt and the other for 17-year-old Ersheen Elaiaiser’s death.

Burkard, who was 18 at the time of the killings, was found “not guilty” of murder, a verdict that surprised and upset the victims’ families.

Elaiaisar’s mother collapsed on the courtroom floor right after the victim’s father gave his impact statement during a sentencing hearing that immediately followed the verdict.

“The pain will never go away,” Elaiaisar’s father said. “He didn’t deserve to die.”

A second relative of Elaiaisar collapsed at another point in the day, and medics took them away in an ambulance. Their condition is unknown at this time.

Van Pelt’s father, Michael Winfield, tearfully told the court, his son was his best friend

“It’s hard every day trying to take care of my kids,” Winfield said. “Knowing my son was shot in the back for a fist fight … for a fist fight.”

Van Pelt was the oldest of seven children.

The Van Pelt family gave the following statement:

“Although we disagree with the verdict, we thank the jury for their service. There is some consolation in knowing that some degree [of] justice has been served. We continue to grieve for our son, Calvin, who was a bright light in our family. We pray that no more families have to endure the agony of losing a child to gun violence.”

During a sentencing hearing, prosecutors argued for the maximum recommended sentence of 10 years for each manslaughter charge.

“Even with this punishment, the defendant will have an advantage that Ersheen and Calvin never will: He will have a life,” the prosecutor said.

But defense attorneys asked the jurors to impose a five-year term. They argued Burkard faced significant trauma in his life and said he was born to a drug-addicted mother before he was adopted.

When Burkard was 6 years old, the family was hit by a drunk driver and his father died, his attorneys said. Burkard saw his dead father at the crash scene and he had to undergo years of therapy and medication, they said.

Defense attorneys showed a photo of Burkard as a boy with the caption “A boy worth saving,” as they asked jurors for leniency.

Jurors will return to court Tuesday to determine a sentence.

Burkard testified last Tuesday, and told the jury he opened fire on April 25, 2021 because four teens had just beat up his friend and he was afraid they were all armed. He said he fired in self defense.

Elaiaiser was shot twice in the chest and Van Pelt was shot once in the back at a home in the 8000 block of Winding Way Court, prosecutors said. Both teens died.

Burkard showed little emotion when he took the stand, but said “no!” when asked if he meant to kill Elaiaiser.

He said he was in an ongoing dispute with Elaiaiser and was at his friend Nick’s house when he heard the 17-year-old was coming to the house with three others.

“I was scared. They said they would kill us. I was not prepared for this at all,” Burkard told the court.

Burkard admitted he had been dealing drugs and had taunted Elaiaiser in a video, which was shown to the jury.

He testified he was in a basement room when he heard his friend Nick get into a fight out in the garage.

“I opened the door. I was not planning to shoot anyone. I saw Nick on the ground with four people around him,” Burkard said. “I raised the gun and I told them to get back. Nick looked like he was unconscious. I raised and dropped the gun several times. Then, Ersheen started racing toward me. I thought he would pull out a gun and shoot me. I was terrified.”

On cross examination, Burkard admitted he made two videos in which he threatened Elaiaiser with guns and said the teen would be 6 feet under if he tried anything.

Maxwell Adams Murders Father

Maxwell Adams was a seventeen year old from Virginia when he murdered his father

According to court documents Maxwell Adams would stab his father Dennis Adams multiple times. Maxwell would then stab himself and call 911.

When officers arrived they would find Dennis Adams deceased and Maxwell Adams would tell them that robbers had burst into their home and stabbed them. Maxwell story quickly fell apart.

Maxwell Adams would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to 32 years in prison

In 2019 Maxwell Adams demanded guards allowed him to call his mother after the phones were turned off for the day. When guards told him he would have to wait for the next day Maxwell would tell guards if they did not allow him to use the phone he would kill himself. Guards again refused. Maxwell Adams would take his own life

Maxwell Adams Photos

Maxwell Adams

Maxwell Adams FAQ

When did Maxwell Adams commit suicide

Maxwell Adams took his own life in 2019 at the Augusta Correctional Center

Maxwell Adams Sentencing

An 18-year-old Arlington man has been sentenced to 32 years in prison for killing his father, police announced Thursday. (Subscribe to Arlington Patch for realtime news alerts and daily newsletters.)

Maxwell Adams was sentenced Wednesday for the second-degree murder of his father—Dennis “Andy” Adams, 46—on April 1, 2016.

“Mr. Adams tragically lost his life in a senseless act of domestic violence by someone he spent his life caring for,” Arlington County Deputy Chief Daniel J. Murray, Commander of the Criminal Investigations Division said, in a statement. “Today’s sentence will not return Mr. Adams to his family, but we hope it provides some solace to know that the individual responsible will be held accountable for his actions”.

On the night of April 1, officers responded to the 100 block of S. Glebe Road for an assault with injuries and found two people suffering from stab wounds. Dennis Adams was transported to George Washington University Hospital Trauma Center, where he was pronounced dead, police said.

Maxwell initially claimed he and his father were victims of an alleged home invasion, police said. Throughout the investigation, detectives uncovered numerous inconsistencies in Maxwell’s account of these events.

Detectives ultimately determined the stabbing resulted from a domestic incident that took place inside a residence in the 3600 block of 3rd St. S.

Maxwell Adams Suicide

Maxwell Adams took his life Thursday, March 14th, 2019 in the Augusta Correctional Center’s isolation/segregation unit. Earlier that evening, according to word among the inmate population, he told the authorities that if they did not allow him to call his mother that he was going to kill himself. So today another mother will bury her child…   “…In the thirty-eight years of my incarceration. I have witnessed men kill one another, rape one another, beat one another and cry for help from within the darkness as their mental health eroded away under peer pressure and the fear of dying alone in prison. But the worst of all is when they kill themselves out of feeling abandoned or rejected by family, friends and peers…    “It is still everyone’s responsibility to help others to see the value of living regardless of the struggle that an incarcerated lifestyle may bring. I know that God did not place these burdens upon us without a means of escape or help… The agony of grief in a suicidal person often goes overlooked until the coroner is notified to pick up the body.”– by an anonymous fellow prisoner