Wayne Doty Florida Prison Murder

Wayne Doty florida

Wayne Doty was sentenced to death by the State of Florida for the murder of a fellow inmate Xavier Rodriguez

According to court documents Wayne Doty was serving a life sentence for murder when he would stab to death Xavier Rodriguez

Wayne Doty would be convicted and sentenced to death

Wayne Doty Photos

Wayne Doty florida

Wayne Doty FAQ

Where Is Wayne Doty Now

Wayne Doty is incarcerated at Union Correctional Institution

Wayne Doty Case

he evidence showed that Doty was, at the time of the murder,
serving a life sentence for the shooting death of his former employer.
Doty was transferred to Florida State Prison (FSP) and was assigned
to the “K wing,” working as a runner. Each wing at the prison had
four runners, who worked in pairs and assisted in numerous duties,
including distributing meals to the other prisoners and cleaning
common areas. In return, the runners were given certain privileges.
Doty’s partner as a runner was [William] Wells, who assisted in the
murder of Rodriguez, another runner on the K wing.

         Doty began planning the murder after the victim, Rodriguez,
  called Doty names and stole some tobacco from Doty approximately
  two weeks prior to the incident. In exchange for tobacco, Doty
  convinced another inmate to make him a knife that he could use to
  murder Rodriguez. On the evening of May 17, 2011, Doty obtained
  the homemade knife, which was hidden in a newspaper, when he
  assisted in picking up inmate food trays after dinner. Doty deposited
  the knife into a trashcan, which he later retrieved and brought to the
  third-floor interview room that the runners were permitted to use.
  Doty then placed the weapon in the duct work there so he could
  easily retrieve it.


That evening, Doty and Wells carefully watched when the
officers made their rounds to determine the best time to kill
Rodriguez. After convincing Rodriguez to meet them in the third-
floor interview room, Doty and Wells tricked Rodriguez into letting
them bind his hands by betting him some tobacco that he could not
get out of “Coast Guard handcuffs.” After his hands were bound,
Doty approached Rodriguez from behind and placed him in a rear
chokehold. At first, Rodriguez thought it was a joke but, as Doty
explained in his confession, “Once I really got that chokehold locked
down, he knew the game was over.” After Doty felt Rodriguez “go
slack,” Doty let Rodriguez’s body drop to the floor, and Doty later
commented that the body made a “hollow thud” as it hit the floor.

         Wells ensured that nobody else entered the room, while Doty
  pulled the body around the desk and began to stab Rodriguez with the
  homemade knife. Although Doty admitted that he was hoping to pull
  out Rodriguez’s heart “to make sure he was really dead,” the knife
  was too dull and did not work for that task. Doty and Wells then tied
  a ligature around Rodriguez’s neck, smoked a cigarette, took
  showers, and, after they were sure that Rodriguez was really dead,
  called a sergeant working at the prison and confessed to the crime.
