Isiah Patterson Murders Consquelo Barker

Isiah Patterson was sentenced to death by the State of Arizona for the murder of Consquelo Barker

According to court documents Isiah Patterson and his girlfriend Consquelo Barker would get into an argument that ended with Patterson stabbing the woman to death. Isiah would call 911 and tell the operator he had done something terrible

Isiah Patterson would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death

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Isiah Patterson Now

ASPC-E Rynning D/Row
PO Box 3400
Florence, AZ 85132
United States

Isiah Patterson Case

At approximately 1:30 a.m. on March 17, 2006, Patterson and Consquelo, his girlfriend, were in his Mesa apartment with their three-year-old son when they began fighting.2 A downstairs neighbor heard loud crashes and things rolling on the floor. After about ten minutes, the noises stopped. After another ten minutes or so had passed, Consquelo ran from the apartment, naked and screaming for help.

¶ 3 Patterson chased Consquelo through the outdoor common areas of the apartment complex. He caught her at a sand volleyball pit, sat over her, and stabbed her thirteen times in the face, torso, and arm. The wounds perforated her lungs, diaphragm and spleen, and fractured her arm. Patterson continued stabbing Consquelo until a neighbor, awakened by her screams, yelled for him to stop. Consquelo then stumbled from the volleyball pit, asking for help before collapsing beneath a bush, where she died. Patterson walked back toward his apartment, telling neighbors, “That’s what happens when you try to turn a whore into a housewife.”

¶ 4 Patterson was arrested and indicted for Consquelo’s murder. The State sought the death penalty. Finding Patterson guilty and that the crime was especially cruel, see A.R.S. § 13–751(F)(6), the jury determined he should be sentenced to death.

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